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Benefits of Kiwi Fruit

Debopriya Bose
Kiwi is rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, which is the reason behind the numerous nutrients and health benefits that this fruit offers. To learn more about the advantages of eating this fruit, read on ...
One look at the shimmering green slices of kiwi during a hot summer afternoon soothes us like nothing else. All that we can think of, would be to put one juicy slice in my mouth. Although native to China, this fruit is more popularly known as the kiwi fruit or simply kiwi. (Its other name is the Chinese gooseberry).
It derives its name from the resemblance of its hairy brown skin to the fuzzy coat of the kiwi bird, which is the national bird of New Zealand. Besides its cool, sweet, and tangy taste there are numerous kiwi fruit benefits on health.


Kiwi is a rich source of Vitamin C and Vitamin E. Vitamin C is a water soluble vitamin that works effectively against the harmful effects of free radicals, thus protecting the body against a host of diseases such as cancer, obesity, and asthma. Vitamin E, though a fat soluble form, is complementary to the beneficial effects of Vitamin C.


Another health benefit of kiwi is that it fights against diabetes and colon cancer. Kiwi has high fiber content. Fiber controls the level of sugar in one's blood.
It binds with toxic materials in the colon and helps in expelling them. The fiber also helps in lowering the amount of bad cholesterol in blood. This improves the health of those with cardiovascular diseases and reduces the risk of heart attacks.


Kiwi fruits are rich in minerals like potassium, magnesium and copper. Potassium counteracts the action of sodium chloride in causing high blood pressure. Hence, it is beneficial in lowering blood pressure and preventing heart diseases associated with it.
Magnesium and copper play an important role in strengthening of bones. In addition to its bone strengthening properties, copper also facilitates brain development and sprucing up the immune system. Hence, eating this fruit makes it a good choice for children.

Flavonoid Antioxidants

Studies have shown that the kiwi is beneficial for reducing the occurrence of age-related macular degeneration (AMD) which is the main cause of vision impairment in adults.
This effect of kiwi fruits is attributed to the flavonoid antioxidants like beta carotene, lutein, and xanthin. These antioxidants also prevent cataracts, heart diseases, and cancer.

Omega-3 Essential Fatty Acids

Not only the flesh, but even the seeds of the kiwi fruit have nutritional value. When crushed, the seeds yield an oil that is rich in omega-3 essential fatty acids.

Other Benefits

✜ Kiwi has positive effects on the respiratory system. A study conducted in Italy has shown that children who consumed these and other citrus fruits regularly had lower risk of developing respiratory problems like wheezing, coughs, and runny noses than those who did not include them in regular diet. It is specifically useful in treating asthma in children.
✜ Kiwi fruit is also a natural blood thinner. Studies have shown that consuming 2 to 3 fruits daily for 28 days causes considerable thinning of blood. This reduces the risk of blood clot and reduces fats in blood that may lead to blockages.
✜ The high fiber content also has a mild laxative effect. Hence, it is useful in dealing with constipation.
✜ Flavonoids present in the fruit increases the nutritional value of the kiwi. The flavonoids protect the cells of the body from the harmful effects of oxidation. It also lessens the chances of DNA mutations occurring within the cells.
✜ One of the many benefits is that it facilitates absorption of iron, thus preventing anemia.
✜ Folate in kiwi plays an important role in the cell development in pregnant women. Hence, this fruit is great during pregnancy.
✜ Kiwi fruits are rich in anti-oxidants that reduce signs of aging considerably. Ascorbic acid present in this fruit is an excellent astringent. It provides great results in tightening the skin and the pores on it.
✜ Consumption of the kiwi fruit strengthens metabolism and improves nerve function.
✜ It also helps to maintain proper fluid balance in the body.
The numerous kiwi fruit benefits leaves no reason why this fruit should not be included in one's regular diet. And not to forget the taste. It is an excellent option of becoming healthy, the tasty way.
Disclaimer: This is only for informative purpose and does not in any way attempt to replace the advice offered by an expert on the subject.