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Jenny Craig Vs. Medifast

Rutuja Jathar
This write-up highlights the ever discussed issue between Jenny Craig vs. Medifast. Read it and find out more about advantages and disadvantages of both.
There is no need to introduce you to the ill effects of sedentary lifestyle and obesity. General awareness regarding weight loss has promoted a lot of people to come forward with special weight loss programs that are useful for easy and healthy weight loss. Two well respected names amongst these weight loss diet programs are, Jenny Craig and Medifast.
Both are specialty weight loss diet programs that have positive and negative sides of their own. Since both these diet plans are based on the same theme of losing weight there is a constant competition between them. It is also the reason why we will try to find out the exact similarities and differences between Jenny Craig and Medifast.

Jenny Craig Inc.

First, let's learn more about both these diet programs. Jenny Craig diet was first introduced in Australia, which today has become one of the most popular weight loss diets. This diet program is based on consuming the right amount of the right kind of food, which is provided by Jenny Craig itself. Jenny Craig food program is distributed in three phases.
In the first phase, the dieter is encouraged to consume healthier but smaller food portions. In the second phase, dieters are encouraged to increase their endurance and energy and in the last phase, dieters need to maintain the newly adapted lifestyle for good.
It is the reason why, along with weight loss, Jenny Craig also promoted mental and physical endurance and maintenance of healthy weight levels. Jenny Craig menu is available in frozen form that the dieters need to purchase as per their choices.

Medifast Inc.

Medifast Inc. is both a weight management and a disease management company, which is also popular for a very useful product or weight loss diet plan, named as Medifast diet. Initially developed for patients of Johns Hopkins University who had to lose weight before major surgeries.
Since the patients showed remarkable weight loss results, creators of this diet promoted it as a regular weight loss die program. As per the creators of the Medifast diet plan, the dieters can lose up to 20 lbs, if they follow this diet according to the correct guidelines that are provided by Medifast.
This diet program is also available in the form of prepackaged food which you have to order as per your preferences. There are two types of Medifast recipes available, namely Lean Medifast and Green Medifast, that can be included in the diet.

Jenny Craig Vs. Medifast

As you can see from the given explanation for both, Medifast and Jenny Craig, have a lot of similarities and a lot of differences too. Let's learn about things that are similar in both.
Firstly, both weight loss programs provide prepackaged diet foods that are readily available at your doorstep. All that you need to do is to choose the desired package and place an order for the same. Foods that are provided by both these diet programs are pretty tasty, so that is not an issue as far as the competition is concerned.
After learning about their similarities, it is time to find out the major differences that might make you choose one product over the other. For instance, although both these weight loss diet companies offer you prepackaged food, Jenny Craig provides you supplementation for all the meals that you will be consuming each day.
Medifast on the other hand gives you a choice to prepare one meal per day that has your own preferences and not the packaged food which is provided by them.
Secondly, Jenny Craig offers you a weekly visit to a counselor assigned to you, who motivates you and solves your queries related to their weight loss plan. Medifast on the other hand does offer an online helpline, so, they lack the personal attention part, which is provided by Jenny Craig.
Along with providing weight loss food for normal people, both these diet programs provide food for special needs. However, there is a slight difference when it comes to the comparison between both.
Jenny Craig provides food for special medical conditions like hypoglycemia, diabetes, vegetarian food and for breastfeeding women, while Medifast provides food for vegetarian, diabetic as well as senior people. Along with specialty food, there is a slight difference in Medifast and Jenny Craig cost and registration policies.
Medifast costs are a bit low ($162.50 for 2 weeks) than Jenny Craig ($158 for a week). You also don't need registration for Medifast. These costs may change as per the add-ons that you choose and the kind of plans that you prefer to continue with throughout the month.
We hope now you are able to differentiate between Jenny Craig and Medifast, and choose the best one that suits your requirements! All the best!