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Is Milk Bad for You?

Arjun Kulkarni
For centuries, milk has been one of the most widely consumed and essential foods. In this story, we will argue both sides of consuming milk on a regular basis.
This question has arisen quite recently. All these years, no one dared to question the sacrosanct nature of milk. But recently, doctors have put their heads together and pointed to some of its less flattering aspects. With words like saturated fats and calories flying around everywhere you go, the question is one that is really going to vex you and needs immediate attention.
Well, one needs to look at things comprehensively. Advocates for milk will say that it supplies nutrients. The opposition says that milk supplies unnecessary saturated fats. The onus is on you to see which of the points apply to you, then weigh the pros and the cons of consuming milk.

Advantages of Milk

When we were kids, our parents always told us that milk is good for us. Here's why.
Source of Proteins: Milk is a very rich source of dietary protein. And if you follow a vegetarian diet, it is one of the richest forms of protein available.
Source of Calcium: Calcium is required by the body for strengthening the bones. Calcium is especially important for children as their bones are in a growing stage. Calcium is also good for the growth of teeth. And it's a good source of naturally available calcium.
Source of Vitamin D: Apart from exposure to early morning sunlight, very few things supply the body with the required amount of vitamin D. Milk is one of those few substances that do.
Other Nutrients: Other nutrients include Vitamin E, Omega 3 essential fatty acids, potassium, zinc and magnesium.

Disadvantages of Milk

There are also some disadvantages that drinking milk entails.
High Calories: For people who suffer from obesity and are out to lose weight, milk is going to dent their plans severely, as it is high in calories and contributes more calories than what is required by the body.
High in Saturated Fats: Milk does not only add extra calories, but it adds extra fat calories. And the fats, being saturated fats, are also of the unhealthy kind. So that is again detrimental to those who are looking for weight loss products.
Lactose Intolerance Problems: Milk contains a high quantity of lactose, which is a milk-sugar. Many people find lactose very hard to digest and hence drinking milk can cause stomach upsets for people.
Allergies: People who have milk allergies get rashes and digestive problems, which is why it is best avoided by such people
Now it is up to you to decide whether you want to drink milk regularly. If you are lactose intolerant, then milk IS bad for you. But for those trying to lose weight, you can try skimmed milk or other low fat varieties. If you do not fall in any of these categories, then there is no doubt that milk is good for you. That is why it is known as 'wholesome food'.
It is a lot of nutrients all packed into one! It is perhaps the most important constituent of a child's diet as the calcium content in milk aids the growth of bones and strengthens them. It is also useful for children as they may be in the stage where they lose their milk teeth and are growing new teeth.
DisclaimerThis story is for informative purposes only, and should not be replaced for the advice of a nutritionist.