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Is Cottonseed Oil Healthy?

Hemangi Harankhedkar
Do you use cottonseed oil as a cooking medium? Is this oil safe for your health? The oil you use for cooking plays a crucial role in determining your health. Through this story, find all about the safety of cottonseed oil for your health.
Cottonseed oil, as the name suggests, is derived from the seeds of cotton. It should be noted that cotton crop is not classified as a food crop and so lots of chemicals in the form of pesticides, tend to be used by farmers while growing cotton.
Due to this reason, some people believe, the oil is not foolproof safe as it may contain residues of pesticides and a high level of natural toxins in it. This, as such, is the last thing to consider as oils these days undergo stringent safety regulations. So, can the oil be used for cooking?
Yes, it is in fact, used by many businesses because it is quite cheap and offers a longer shelf life that prevents rancidity in the products, as compared to other oils. Prominently, cottonseed oil is used in the making of potato fries, cereals, breads and snack foods.
Owing to the flavor stability of this oil, it is popularly used in mayonnaise, salad dressing, as a salad oil (it is used raw as a salad oil).

What Makes an Oil Healthy?

Each oil contains a certain percentage of fat, and fat is essential for the body to an extent as it helps the body in the fast absorption of proteins and nutrients. There are various types of fats (monounsaturated, polyunsaturated, etc.) generally classified on the basis of composition.
As per nutritionists, canola oil and olive oil are the healthiest and should be used for cooking. Each oil has some undesired qualities and factors like temperature used, when cooking comes into play.
As far as the composition is concerned, oils that contain a high percentage of healthy fats (monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats) are healthiest for the body.
An oil that has a high proportion of saturated fats should be avoided for cooking. In a gist, an oil should have a balanced fat profile; low percentage of saturated fat and a balanced proportion of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats.

Nutritional Information

Interestingly, cottonseed is rich in vitamin E and vitamin K. Each oil undergoes processing during which, most of the vitamins tend to get destroyed. The vitamins in cottonseed, luckily survive the processing. And you are well aware of the benefits of these vitamins for the body.
If we consider 1 tablespoon of cottonseed oil to determine its nutrition, it contains about 13 gm of fat, out of which, 7 gm is polyunsaturated fat, 2.5 gm is monounsaturated fat and 3.5 gm is saturated fat. Thus you can see, the nutritional profile of this oil is quite similar to other oils. It is also rich in micronutrients that can benefit the body.

So, is the Oil Healthy?

There cannot be a 'yes/no' answer about the use of this oil for cooking. As far as the nutritional profile is concerned, it is quite similar to other oils, thus qualifying it as an oil that can be used for cooking, although nutritionists opine that it is not healthy due to the high proportions of saturated fats in it.
The safety of the oil also comes under scrutiny because, as I had said earlier, cotton crop is not classified as a food crop and may contain high proportions of unsafe residues. But it is also a vegetable oil and lends a good flavor to seafoods, it also requires minimal hydrogenation and is free from trans fats.
For people watching their weight, it is best to avoid cottonseed oil. The use of this oil should be restricted for frying food or commercial purposes. While storing the oil, a tightly sealed container should be used and while heating it, the temperature should not exceed 193ÂșC.
The use of copper should be avoided while using the oil as it is said to deteriorate oil faster.
In summation, although it is a healthy oil, its use should be limited to salad dressings and for frying seafood. At least, weight watchers should avoid using the oil. There are some dangers associated with it owing to the high levels of triglycerides in it.
Some people are also said to develop allergy to the oil, and so it should be avoided. It is thus better if you opt for other oils like olive or canola oil for cooking purposes. Stay safe.