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Is Coconut Water Healthier than Coconut Milk?

Naomi Sarah
The question of is coconut water healthier than coconut milk, is now on the minds of the health conscious who want to find out which of the two would benefit him/her best. Let's take a look at the differences between the two in terms of usage and nutrition...
Coconut water is the fresh juice that comes from within a young coconut when the hardened outer nut is cracked open. It is a semi clear liquid and is gentle on the stomach when one drinks this mild sweet-tasting drink.
Many people find it enjoyable and refreshing to sip the juice from an open coconut on a hot summer's day, or replenish themselves after a strenuous workout routine in the gym, since this is known to replace lost electrolytes when one sweats it out while exercising.
Not only is it a healthy drink, but it is now available in stores where bottled drinks of this are sold, making it accessible to consumers.
Coconut milk on the other hand is not a naturally occurring substance when it comes to coconuts, and is made by crushing the white flesh of the coconut through a cheesecloth, while then soaking it in water a couple of times to gain the consistency that one requires, that is thick or thin. While coconut water is all organic in its make, coconut milk is something that would have to go through a man-made process to be obtainable, although no additives or preservatives change its content.

Coconut Milk vs Coconut Water

To understand whether coconut water is a healthier option to coconut milk, let's first look into what each one contains in terms of nutrients.
Coconut Water
  • Calories = 46 (per glass)
  • Sugar = None
  • Fat = None
Coconut Milk
  • Calories = 445 (per glass)
  • Sugar = None
  • Saturated Fat = 50 grams
As you can see, the obvious differences will immediately have you reconsider going overboard with coconut milk consumption, where you'd have to go easy on it. Although it may be true that coconut water is indeed a healthier option, it doesn't take away the spotlight from coconut milk since those who have added this robust and creamy goodness into dishes and desserts, will understand how important and irreplaceable an ingredient this is.
Dishes that have coconut milk as an add-on, have with it an unparalleled flavor that no other cream-based ingredient can offer in terms of flavor, intensity and texture. It can transform the most bland dishes, into one of a kind creations by adding in this rich milky ingredient.
Coconut water works great for those who want to hydrate themselves after a tiresome day out in the sun, or at the gym since this has been proven to be a better alternative to sports drinks. It is organic, low in calories and naturally sweetened, with a chockfull of electrolytes and energy boosting elements that make it great as a pre and post workout drink.
Coconut milk although fattening, serves as a great replacement drink for vegans who shun away dairy products from their diet. It can be used as a cream base in desserts, drinks and even dishes that require creaminess.
Coconut water can be added to drinks, where a dish would lose out on its flavor and texture if you were to incorporate the water instead of the milk. Using it though in cocktails and other shakes can be a better option since this lightly flavored juice can accentuate the flavors of drinks better than if it were to be put into meals.
Now that you know which of the two is healthier, it doesn't mean that you need to run away from coconut milk, but just use it sparingly whenever you need a dash of its creaminess. Try going with half a cup of this for dishes, or replacing your meals with low calorie foods in the day to make up for the excess calories that coconut milk comes weighed down with. Have a healthy tomorrow.