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Is Carbonated Water Bad for You?

Leena Palande
Carbon water is produced by adding pressurized carbon dioxide to plain water. Is carbonated water bad for you? Find answer to this question in this Story.
Natural carbonated water is found in some parts of the world. Traditionally, it was considered as water that had healing power because people believed that it cured an upset stomach. These days, carbonated water is produced on a large scale by dissolving carbon dioxide in plain water.
It is packed in various types of attractive containers, and people cannot avoid the temptation of buying them. Since people enjoy it because of its thirst-quenching property, millions of carbonated water bottles are sold every day in different parts of the world.

Carbonated Water

Carbonated water is also recognized as seltzer water, sparkling water, club soda, and it looks attractive because of its fizzy structure. Ingredients of this water may vary according to the brands.
Some brands add minerals, like calcium, chloride, fluorine, lithium, magnesium, nitrogen, potassium, silicon, sodium to the water during the process of carbonation. Some brands sell flavored sparkling water which might contain artificial sweeteners, and so it should not be used as plain drinking water.
Main ingredients of carbonated water are carbon dioxide and plain, or mineral water. It does not provide nutrients, in fact it provides carbon dioxide which is not at all necessary for the functioning of your body. So if you consume it as drinking water, it can affect your health severely. The effects of carbonated water on your health may not be noticed instantly, but you will be able to notice them after some period of time.

Effects on Teeth

Excessive consumption of carbonated water can remove tooth enamel, and it can change the color of the tooth because the water is acidic by nature. Weakened teeth are more prone to tooth decay and cavities.

Effects on Bones

Excessive carbon dioxide can extract calcium from your bones and make them weak. You may experience low energy levels because of calcium deficiency. Loss of calcium can increase your risk for osteoporosis or even bone cancer.

Effects on Kidneys

Your body cannot digest carbonated water as easily as plain drinking water. Its acidic properties can affect your digestive system. Affected digestive health may result in increased pressure on kidneys.
You may notice an increased urge for urination. Sparkling water can not only cause frequent urination, but it can also make you throw away the entire water from your body and make you suffer from severe effects of dehydration. Experts say that carbonated water promotes kidney stones.
The water or sweetened carbonated drinks can severely affect the function of kidneys because kidneys are not capable of digesting this water. Those who already have kidney stones should keep in mind that the situation may get worse due to excessive consumption of this water.
No studies have proved that sparkling water can relieve stomach problems. Although more studies are required to prove the ill effects of this water, it is better not to be a carbonated water addict, because chances of carbon water affecting your health are more and the so-called benefits are negligible.
Stomach problems can be relieved by adopting a healthy lifestyle or by taking proper medicines. I hope, from now on, you would drink plain water instead of carbonated water.