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Iodine Rich Foods

Ujwal Deshmukh
Consuming iodine rich foods in sufficient quantities, plays an important role in the physical and mental health of the body. Compiled below is a list of foods rich in iodine.
The other day, Robin, 40, father of Mark,12, was explaining the importance of balanced diet to his son, who was not at all interested in eating vegetables and fruits. Once while browsing over the Internet, he searched for balanced diet deficiency results and co-incidentally found some iodine deficiency pictures. 
He therefore showed all the related iodine deficiency pictures to his son and also explained how lack of iodine affects the body! On seeing those pictures and hearing the hazards of iodine deficiency, Mark agreed to eat vegetables and fruits and follow a balanced diet hereafter. 
But, Robin found many other food items rich in iodine. Well, what were those? Read on to know...
Iodine is an important trace mineral, which is required in sufficient quantities for the proper mental and physical growth of the body. Iodine is required in small amounts for the synthesis of thyroid hormone, like triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4). It is also required for strengthening the immune system.
Most of the iodine content in the body is situated in the thyroid gland and the rest of it gets dispersed to other locations in the body, such as, blood, salivary glands, mammary glands, etc.
Traces of iodine can be found in soil and salt. However, until the twentieth century, not much was known about iodine rich salt and therefore there were many cases of hypothyroidism in the United States and Canada.
But now, with the use of iodine rich salt, the scenario has changed completely and now very rarely, you would find any such iodine deficiency case. Speaking of iodine deficiency, it is caused due to lack of intake of iodine, through diet.
Although, the use of iodine rich salt has completely eradicated it from the developed countries, people from many underdeveloped nations are still deprived of iodine rich salt or iodine rich foods in their diets. Iodine deficiency symptoms include, hypothyroidism, goiter, retarded mental and physical growth etc.
Therefore to avoid all these symptoms, it is necessary that along with iodine rich vegetables and fruits, one also includes other foods rich in iodine in his/her diet!
But, what are the foods rich in iodine? To answer in short, some of the best sources of iodine, other than iodine rich salt are, sea food, eggs, cow milk, breads and cereals etc. But, the information below would respond to your query in a better way.
List of Foods Rich in Iodine
The data below does not just provide an iodine rich foods list. Rather, it also acquaints you with the iodine content present in each of the food stuff in micrograms (mcg).
Food Item - Iodized Salt
Quantity - 100 grams
Iodine Content - 3000 mcg

Food Item - Cereals and Breads
Quantity - 100 grams
Iodine Content - 10-11 mcg

Food Item - Meat
Quantity - 100 grams
Iodine Content - 26-27 mcg

Food Item - Vegetables
Quantity - 100 grams
Iodine Content - 32-33 mcg
Food Item - Fruits
Quantity - 100 grams
Iodine Content - 4-5 mcg

Food Item - Haddock
Quantity - 100 grams
Iodine Content - Almost 300 mcg

Food Item - Malt bread
Quantity - 100 grams
Iodine Content - 29-30 mcg

Food Item - Jaffa cakes
Quantity - 100 grams
Iodine Content - More than 32 mcg
Food Item - Naan Bread
Quantity - 100 grams
Iodine Content - 28-29 mcg

Food Item - Trifle
Quantity - 100 grams
Iodine Content - 60 mcg

Food Item - Mayonnaise
Quantity - 100 grams
Iodine Content - 35-36 mcg

Food Item - Cod
Quantity - 100 grams
Iodine Content - More than 90 mcg
Food Item - Boiled Egg
Quantity - 1 egg
Iodine Content - 23.76 mcg

Food Item - Low Fat Yogurt
Quantity - 1 cup
Iodine Content - 87 mcg

Food Item - Strawberries
Quantity - 1 cup
Iodine Content - 13 mcg

Food Item - Kelp
Quantity - 0.25 cup
Iodine Content - 415 mcg
Food Item - Cow Milk (2%)
Quantity - 1 cup
Iodine Content - 58-59 mcg

Food Item - Gouda Cheese
Quantity - 40 grams
Iodine Content - 13.6 mcg

Food Item - Raw Oyster
Quantity - 13-14 grams
Iodine Content - 21-22 mcg

Food Item - Ice Cream
Quantity - 45-50 grams
Iodine Content - 9.6-9.7 mcg
Food Item - Cheddar Cheese
Quantity - 1 ounce
Iodine Content - 5-20 mcg

Food Item - Cottage Cheese
Quantity - Half cup with around 2 % milk fat
Iodine Content - 25-70 mcg

Some Other Foods High in Iodine

However, apart from these foodstuffs, some other iodine rich foods include:
  • Dulse
  • Kombu
  • Arame
  • Wakame
  • Hijiki
  • Nori
So you've must have understood that there are many such foods rich in iodine, that can be easily included in the regular diet. All the above said foods are usually safe to eat in sufficient quantities.
However, if you have a pre-existing allergy for any of the food items, do consult a doctor and get a better alternative prescribed for yourself. Eat Healthy Stay Well!!!