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How to Store Krill Oil

Mukulika Mukherjee
Krill oil is rich in antioxidants and is extracted from a species of krill found in the waters of the Antarctic ocean. You should store krill oil properly to prevent it from degenerating and thereby, losing its beneficial properties. So, how can you store krill oil effectively? Read on to find an answer and also learn about the various benefits of krill oil.
Krill oil is obtained from krill (Euphausia superba), a species of small shrimp like crustaceans found in abundance in the Antarctic ocean. Due to its abundance in the Antarctic, krill is an essential part of the traditional food of countries like Korea, Japan and Taiwan.
In Asian markets, you're most likely to come across krill sold in dried or frozen forms. Interestingly, the entire part of the krill is not edible because of the shells that cover its body.
Only the tail, that is free from shells is a delicacy. Krill can virtually be added to any kind of food to make it taste delicious, be it soups or salads! It is also marketed in the form of mince, which is nothing but a thick paste.
Krill oil is considered beneficial because it contains omega-3 fatty acids and is rich in antioxidants. In addition to this, it is also rich in certain phospholipids that are essential for functioning of the human brain. Krill oil aids functioning of the liver, digestion and glucose metabolism.
It is similar to fish oil for the fact that both contain omega-3 fatty acids that help increase the activity of brain cells and also keep the heart healthy.

How Can You Store Krill Oil?

To know how to store krill oil properly, refer to the pointers given below:
  • Krill oil needs to be stored such that it is not exposed to very high or low temperatures.
  • Use an air-tight bottle for storing your krill oil capsules. Be careful to keep it in a dry place.
  • Refrigeration is not essential for the storage of krill oil and it is best advised that you store them at room temperature. However, during summers, when the temperature is very high, you can keep the capsules in the refrigerator. But make sure the jar is perfectly air-tight.
  • Exposure to humidity can lead to leakage in the capsules, causing them to stick to each other.
  • Remember that krill oil loses its therapeutic properties when exposed to temperatures that are higher than 100°C and lower than 50°C.

Benefits of Krill Oil

The three major constituents that contribute to the health benefits of krill oil are omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants (a substance known as astaxanthin) and phospholipids.
While you do find omega-3 fatty acids in fish oil too, the difference here is that in krill oil, the fatty acids are attached to molecules of phopholipids to form compounds such as phosphatidylcholine.
When the antioxidants reach your body, they neutralize the free radicals formed as a by-product during various metabolic processes. Krill oil has several health benefits and a few of them are as follows:
  • Helps in reducing cholesterol, regulates blood pressure and keeps your heart healthy
  • Helps you to concentrate better and also improves your memory
  • Effective in reducing the pain caused due to diseases such as arthritis
  • Keeps your skin healthy
  • Strengthens the immune system
  • Slows down the process of aging
  • Reduces blood cholesterol levels
Although there are no major side effects of krill oil following its intake, it should be avoided by pregnant women, people with blood disorders such as hemophilia and those who are allergic to sea food. Krill oil has a shelf life of 3 years, after which it becomes unfit for consumption. Before you purchase krill oil capsules, make sure that they are not close to the expiry date.
Thus, storing krill oil is quite fuss-free. All you need to do is make sure that it is neither exposed to extremes of temperatures nor humidity. So, bring home some capsules of krill oil and reap its benefits and stop worrying about how to store krill oil, for good!