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How is Organic Coffee Different from Regular Coffee

Christie J.
For most people, a new day never begins without a hot cup of coffee. The latest buzz in the world of coffee lovers and coffee addicts is the rising popularity of 'organic' coffee in place of regular or conventional coffee. But what is the difference between organic coffee and regular coffee? Let's dig deep for the answers.
Coffee is the second most drunk beverage, the second highest commodity in demand and the third most chemically treated product. So, whenever 'organic' coffee is mentioned, the first thing that comes to the mind is the absence of harmful chemicals found in conventional coffee as a result of chemical fertilizers and pesticides used in cultivation of coffee.
While this is true, it is not the only aspect of organic coffee. It involves how the coffee beans are cultivated, the production standards and the methods of roasting coffee beans. The difference between organic coffee and regular coffee lies in the process of coffee cultivation.

Organic Vs. Regular Coffee

Coffee Cultivation Process
Organic coffee is grown as naturally as possible and adheres to the regulations set by the USDA (US Department of Agriculture). They are planted in fields which have not been treated with prohibited substances (like synthetic fertilizers) for a certain period of time (3 years in the US).
Organic coffee farmers avoid the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides. At the most, they use organic fertilizers, as and when needed. They are particular in practicing appropriate crop rotation cycles to maintain the natural soil nutrients, prevent soil erosion and pest control.
On the other hand, regular coffee is cultivated with little to no regard to the harmful effects of pesticides and synthetic fertilizers on the consumers and the environment.
Health Benefits of Organic Coffee
There are many benefits of organic coffee. As far as the health benefits are concerned, organic coffee is more beneficial than regular coffee. Many of the chemicals injected in the body through food are carcinogenic.
They can damage the nervous system, cause hormonal abnormalities and affect development of babies in case of pregnant women. In defense of regular coffee, some of the harmful synthetic chemicals are lost in the roasting process, but those which are taken up by the roots stay in the coffee beans.
Environmental Impact of Coffee Cultivation
Many of the conventional coffee producers exhaust the lands by indiscriminate use of artificial fertilizers to increase the productivity, thus depleting the soil quality, sometimes to the extent that the land becomes waste.
Organic coffee cultivation, as mentioned earlier, is eco-friendly and does minimal harm to the environment. Most of the time, organic coffee is cultivated under canopy shades (generally known as 'shade-grown coffee'), and so it brings down the problems of deforestation and water contamination.
Production Quantity of Coffee
Because of the expensive process of cultivating organic coffee and the extensive regulations required for certification, organic coffee is produced on a smaller scale as compared to the conventional coffee production.
The cost of certification required for organic products cuts down the net income of organic farmers quite substantially. Besides, the process of organic cultivation of coffee requires greater care than in the cultivation of regular coffee.
Prices of Coffee
The cost of organic coffee is more than that of regular coffee. The higher rates for organic coffee is because of the increase in the expenses of the coffee cultivation and higher charges of manual labor as compared to the mostly automated coffee cultivation for conventional coffee.
However, when compared to the benefits of organic coffee, the small increase in coffee price is definitely worth it. Besides, keeping toxins out of a cup of coffee is more important than keeping a few dollars in the pocket.
Another point in favor of organic coffee is the better taste and flavor - unadulterated by artificial or chemical treatments. Coffee made organically is more fresh (they are roasted just before being packed), and fruity and aromatic than the regular coffee.
Their freshness quotient makes organic coffee more effective and refreshing than regular coffee. As such, switching over to organic coffee is beneficial for both the individual and the community.