Athletes are prescribed a high protein diet, due to the amount of physical activity that they undertake. Therefore, they are always on the look out for high protein snacks, which they can consume to meet the protein requirement of the body.
Athletes have a higher need of nutrients and proteins because of their high activity levels. It is not recommended that any one of the meals alone be rich in proteins, as it is not healthy. Also it is advisable that one must have 5 to 6 small meals as opposed to 3 large meals.
For the meals between two main meals, snacks rich in protein are recommended. Which means that an athlete has to have about 3 snacks in one single day, it can become very difficult to plan for each of the meals without letting monotony set in.
This is when the high protein snacks come in handy. Using these snacks options, one can plan for the different meals and also ensure that one does not run out of snacks.
Healthy High Protein Snack Ideas
Low Fat Milk
This is one of the healthiest snacks for athletes. A glass of milk will suffice for any snack meal. One can choose to make a milkshake by adding a fruit to the milk or simply have a plain glass of milk. Vegans can opt for soy milk, to get their share of milk proteins in their diet.
One of my personal favorite protein snacks is yogurt. I always go for the low fat version. It is said that yogurt contains complete proteins and provides the body with all the necessary nutrients. Also carrying yogurt around is rather easy, as the prepackaged containers are spill proof.
People on high protein diets cannot exclude eggs from their diet. I am sure there aren't many people who get bored eating eggs, as there is a huge variety of dishes that one can whip up using eggs. If a person's running late or wants to have healthy proteins after a workout, then the best option is to have boiled eggs without the yolk.
It makes for a wonderful high protein snack for athletes. One can opt for a low fat variety or even snack on some homemade cottage cheese. Vegans can go in for vegan cheese, tofu, etc. It is always best to stick to the low fat version of the cheese.
They are a great option after a rigorous workout. There are innumerable options that can be made. Either choose low fat milk or opt for frozen yogurt to make the smoothies. Choose a different fruit every time to avoid monotony from setting in.
Lean Meat
Chicken, fish, turkey, etc. make for a great protein snack. One can grill the meat or have it in a sandwich. They are filling and moreover the protein content in meats is higher, but remember to opt for the lean meat, which is low in fat.
If you are bored of the regular high protein foods, then you may want to choose soy for one of your meals. They can be prepared in different ways to ensure one does not get bored eating the same thing over and over again.
Many people are not really fond of consuming lentils. However, they make for a great addition to salads and soups. They are low in fat, but high in proteins, which includes them in the healthy protein snack category as well.
Like lentils, legumes are also a power house of nutrients. They are a good source of fiber, complex carbohydrates as well as proteins. They are also loaded with iron, minerals, folate and other nutrients. Also they can easily be combined with a variety of other foods as well to make complete meals.
Nuts and Seeds
When you're always on the go, but you don't want to miss out on your protein snacks, then you can choose to carry a handful of nuts and/or seeds with you. You may want to opt for nuts before or immediately after your workout to boost the protein content in your body.
They are loaded with proteins and are also healthy. They are also rich in a host of other nutrients. However, do not go overboard with them, as they are rich in fats as well.
These were some of the high protein snacks. It is important that proteins are consumed in the right quantity. Therefore, consulting a health care professional is necessary, so that he can prescribe the right quantity of protein for you to ensure that you do not fall short of it or overconsume it.