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High Protein Low Calorie Foods

Leena Palande
High protein low calorie foods can make you feel satiated so that you can adhere to the calorie limit if you are trying to lose fat and gain muscle. Take a look at the list of protein rich low calorie foods, and adjust your daily intake accordingly.
Protein, which is made up of amino acids, is a must in weight loss and weight gain diets, as it is used by every cell of the body for the repair of worn and torn tissues and also for the growth and building up of muscles, skin, hair, nails, and other organs in the body.
In short, it is needed to maintain the overall health of your body. A high protein diet can keep you full even if you consume less food. This helps to avoid overeating. As you are satiated, you don't over-indulge in extra fat from unhealthy foods.


You can include healthy carbohydrates from whole grains and fiber, vitamins and minerals, and even a few grams of fat here and there in a high protein diet, and still, it can be considered as a low calorie diet.
Fat cannot be completely avoided for a long period of time without consequences. After all, it plays an important role in body's functions. So high protein low fat foods should be preferred if you want to consume nutritious foods and reduce your calorie intake too.
Carbohydrates and proteins have 4 cal per gram, while fat has 9 cal per gram. But all types of food components are required for healthy growth. To maintain a perfect rate of metabolism and to avoid health complications, you need to consume a diet, which will provide you with all the necessary nutrients.
If you consume high calorie foods, the extra calories will be saved by your body in the form of fat deposits. Modern life promotes a sedentary lifestyle, and when you are not able to burn enough calories or more than the ones consumed, excess weight or obesity will always be the main cause of concern.
Obesity can in turn lead to several health hazards. You are supposed to include good carbohydrates and good fats. You should avoid refined or highly processed foods.

List of Essential Foods


● Lean cuts of meat like white-meat chicken or turkey
● Beef sirloin or lean ground beef
● Pork sirloin
● Fish such as haddock, pollock, and perch, and crustaceans such as shrimp and crab.
● Chicken breast contains 140 calories and 27 g of protein per 3 oz.
● One egg contains 73 calories and 7 g of protein.
● Egg white contains 17 calories and 4 g of protein.

For Vegetarians

A high protein low carb diet for vegetarians can be designed in order to achieve desired weight loss.

● Beans and legumes, which are packed with dietary fiber can be the main source of protein.
A handy legumes list can help you include a variety of legumes in your daily weight loss diet. Avoid sugar and sauces, stick to plain or lightly seasoned beans. On an average, half cup of beans contains 115 calories and 8 g of protein.
● Nuts and seeds high in monounsaturated fats help to raise the level of good cholesterol and lower the level of bad cholesterol. They can be consumed with high protein foods.
● Vegetables like cabbage, cauliflower, carrots, broccoli, endive, asparagus, okra, and mushrooms can be included in the diet.
● Cooked dry beans and grains such as bulgar and rice can be included.

Dairy Products

● Low fat or fat free versions of milk, cheese, yogurt, and cottage cheese can be included. Half cup of cottage cheese contains 81 calories and 14 g of protein.
● Be careful while choosing yogurts, because even the low-fat versions can be high in sugar, adding unnecessary calories. You can have yogurt with a little bit of honey.


Specially designed hot cocoas, cappuccinos, and fruit drinks can make the perfect drinks.
The average recommended protein intake, for a daily diet of around 2000 calories is 50 grams. It may vary according to your weight, goals, and activity levels. It is better if 10 to 15 percent of your calories come from protein.
So, a 2,000-calorie diet can include 50 to 75 g of protein per day. Active individuals will naturally require more protein in order to repair any damage done during workouts or other activities.
For the right breakfast, egg is the best food. These days, innumerable high protein low calorie recipes are available on Internet, and you can prepare various with the help of these recipes. You can always keep a handy list of low calorie vegetables and fruits with you.
Avoid fast food meat entrees that have high calorie counts from fat as well as protein. Select from the list of low calorie foods that make you feel full.
These foods are most effective when included in a weight loss diet. Hopefully the mentioned information is useful, and you can now achieve your health and weight loss goals easily.
Disclaimer: This is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.