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High Fructose Corn Syrup Vs. Sugar

Puja Lalwani
If you are considering the pros or cons of consuming high fructose corn syrup vs. sugar, ensure that you get the facts about both clear before you take any such steps. Here, we discuss everything you need to know about both, and which one is better than the other.
In our endeavor to locate the culprit of our bigger waistlines, we have indulged in research of all kinds. Among this research and debate is the consumption of high fructose corn syrup vs. sugar.
Some believe that white or table sugar is healthier than high fructose corn syrup (HFCS), because studies have shown that the latter is the culprit behind weight gain and obesity.
Found mostly in soft drinks and processed foods, HFCS has been held responsible for the alarming rate of obesity in the world. However, there are also opposite views regarding this debate. Which one is healthier, and which one should you consume? Let's analyze this, here.

High Fructose Corn Syrup or Sugar - The Safer Alternative

The process of understanding what is safer and what isn't first begins by taking a look into the facts about high fructose corn syrup. High fructose corn syrup is obtained from corn kernels, while sugar may be extracted from sugar cane or beet.
The components of HFCS include fructose and glucose. The fructose is created by having the glucose in HFCS undergo several enzymatic processes to give it a certain amount of sweetness.
The pure glucose is then added in the form of corn syrup to give it the desired sweetness, similar to sugar. Sugar also contains fructose, but has higher amounts of sucrose and glucose. It is obtained by processing sugar cane, to a point where clear white sugar crystals are obtained.
There is not much difference in the components of high fructose corn syrup vs. cane sugar, and both share a similar nutrient value too.
So why the fuss about HFCS? The fuss is because HFCS has high amounts of fructose, which is known to be metabolized by the liver differently. While the glucose in the body is metabolized to produce energy, and then the excess goes on to be deposited as fat, fructose is directly metabolized into fat, thereby making it dangerous for the body.
Though fructose is result in the release of insulin and may be found a suitable alternative for diabetics, it is its inability to be metabolized into energy that makes it unsafe for excess consumption. Now this doesn't change anything about sugar.
Sugar too is high in fructose, though the amount may be slightly lesser than HFCS. As such, it is as unhealthy when consumed in an excess as HFCS.
In effect, neither white sugar or high fructose corn syrup is healthier than the other. The calories in sugar are similar to the calories in HFCS. These are empty calories (without any nutrients). Both are capable of causing weight gain, dental problems, and some other dangerous health conditions such as diabetes.
The only reason high fructose corn syrup is added in sodas and packaged foods is because it is relatively cheaper than sugar. In any other case, there is no research to prove that one is more potentially dangerous or healthier than the other.
Finally, it can only be said that an excess of either can be harmful to your health. The health risks posed by high fructose corn syrup aren't less grave than those posed by sugar. As mentioned earlier, we as human beings need to find some sort of culprit for our condition, without looking into our own behavior that is actually responsible for our condition.
If you have been gaining weight, it is because you have been consuming an excess of calories in various forms, not because you have been consuming more high fructose corn syrup instead of sugar.
So it isn't only the soda that contains high fructose corn syrup instead of sugar that is causing your weight gain, it may be the pizza, the fries, the cheeseburger, or the pancake breakfast you seem to be having more often than you should.
The idea is to consume all these foods in moderation, so as to keep yourself safe from all the dangers to your health they are likely to cause. Keep it simple, enjoy everything in appropriate amounts, and you will be fine.