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Healthy Alternatives to Coffee

Abhijit Naik
There is absolutely no doubt about the fact that healthy alternatives to coffee exist in plenty. However, you need to be dedicated towards the idea of kicking out caffeine from your life if you are to follow through on these healthy options...
Getting up in the morning seems like an uphill task. And then, if someone denies you your rightful cup of coffee, you are bound to think that you are going to have a horrible day ahead. Wondering why there is need for you to be denied your cup of coffee early morning?
Well, there are quite a few reasons, going through which may make you reconsider the idea of drinking one or many cups of coffee in course of the day.
There are many known side effects of drinking coffee, and the excess caffeine content, mind you, is just one of them. Coffee actually leads to gastric irritation and dehydration, and the temporary alertness is eventually followed by mood swings and a craving for unhealthy food.
And since people don't have the time to eat so often, they instead try to subdue their hunger with another cup of coffee and thus, the vicious cycle continues.

Alternatives to Coffee

Coffee considered to be one of the most popular beverages in the world. While some people drink it purely for its taste, others drink it for the energy boost that the caffeine content in it delivers. But popularity is no measure for safety, and if you take the harmful effects of caffeine into consideration, coffee is indeed best avoided.
If not coffee, then when else can one have in place of this beverage? There do exist some healthy alternatives to coffee which a person can tempt you with, given below are a few of them.


Too simple to be true? Well, as ridiculous as this may sound, drinking a nice jug of water as soon as you wake up may be the best thing that you do to your body. Drinking water is considered to be the best way to flush out toxins, and if you add a spoonful of honey and lemon to this, it is undoubtedly the best alternative to coffee in the morning.
Water is an apt option when you feel like you need your cup of coffee in the middle of the day, drinking a glassful of water (and maybe splash some on your face too!) is bound to keep you awake and going!


When we say 'tea' there are so many different options that you come across, that you end up getting confused for choice. There are many different types of tea, and the benefits of each seem to be better than other. Millions of tea converts out there will vouch for these benefits. Given below are a few different types of tea which make good replacement options for coffee.
Green Tea: Green tea is one of the most well-known replacement to coffee. Originally from China, the various health benefits of this tea have made it quite popular in the west. There is minimal caffeine content in green tea, and the fact that it raises the metabolic rate makes it an ideal option for your weight loss regime.
It is also said to decrease the risk of heart diseases. However, what this tea is most well-known for is its high antioxidant content, and that makes it a much healthier option compared to coffee.
Oolong Tea: Yet another Chinese tea that has become quite well-known now is Oolong tea. Quite popular in the east, Oolong tea's caffeine content is still lesser than that in green tea and black tea. Rich in antioxidants, this tea also helps to prevent hyperpigmentation of the skin. As with green tea, even this tea aids in weight loss, and also helps to lower the cholesterol level of an individual.
Other Teas: Black tea and white tea are also alternatives to coffee as they contain minimal amount of caffeine, which means they will give you that boost but without coming heavy on your overall health. Herbal teas are also a rage among health fanatics, and the fact that they are usually infused with many beneficial herbs, like Ginseng, makes them all the more healthy.

Other Alternatives

If you are not impressed by these conventional coffee alternatives put forth, we have one of the most tempting alternative for you - hot chocolate. This is one of the best replacement options for coffee addicts who are in the younger age group. Chocolate, especially dark chocolate, has lots of antioxidants.
However, you may want to count the calories you take in with this alternative. One way out is to try out carob powder, instead of using cocoa powder, as it tastes similar to cocoa powder but isn't loaded with calories like latter.
An occasional cup of coffee does not really lead to much of a problem. However, if you are the kind of person who drinks a few cups of coffee without even realizing it or simply can't function without a coffee mug in your hands, then it might be time to take into consideration the options given above.
Although nowadays there are many different coffee brands which claim that they have reduced caffeine content or are infused with extra antioxidants, most of these are tall claims meant to lure consumers.
Loaded with so many side-effects, coffee can be quite harmful in the long term, and therefore it's always better off to stay away from it. At the end of the day, it is always better to try one of the alternatives mentioned above, instead of giving into your coffee cravings every now and then.