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Health Benefits of Lion's Mane Mushroom

Nicks J
Regular intake of lion's mane mushooms or its extracts may provide neurological nourishment, meaning it would promote neuroregeneration within the brain. This may help treat neurological conditions such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease. Go through this story to know some more health benefits of lion's mane mushrooms

Did You Know?

The lion's mane mushroom has been the focus of scientific studies as it shows great promise in treating nerve damage that can cause a wide array of neurological problems. This edible mushroom is touted to be a brain food that can improve memory and cognitive function.
Lion's mane that grows in globular shapes with droopy spikes is found on hardwood trees, particularly the beech and the oak varieties. Initially, the color of the mushroom is white, but over time, it turns pale yellow.
For centuries, the lion's mane mushroom has been revered in Far Eastern cultures of China and Japan for its medicinal benefits. Presently, numerous large commercial mushroom factories across Asia grow lion's mane on sterilized hardwood sawdust.
Various Asian grocery stores sell this mushroom in fresh or dried form. In the supplemental form, they are available as tablets, tincture, and powder.

Provides Neuroprotective Effect

The mushroom is found to be an excellent nerve tonic that can help maintain a healthy nervous system. Studies carried out in Japan, under the guidance of Dr. Kawagishi of Shizuoka University, have shown that the lion's mane mushroom promotes the production of nerve growth factor (NGF)―a protein that supports nerve health.
The protein is important for the development and survival of neurons―nerve cells that are considered to be the building blocks of the nervous system. Adequate NGF is important to regulate the function of neurons.
The regeneration capability of neurons that can help treat neurological disorders, such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and dementia, is also due to the presence of NGF. Although NGF is secreted in our body, it cannot infiltrate the blood-brain barrier, which means it cannot correct the damaged nerves in the brain.
Researchers in the study observed that the mushroom contains 2 compounds―erinacines and hericenones―that can easily cross the blood-brain barrier and prompt the brain to secrete NGF, which in turn stimulate the synthesis of neurons inside the brain.
These compounds that produce the stimulating effect of neuron regeneration inside the brain can help treat neurological problems that are marked by death of nerve cells (neurons) in specific parts of the brain. The mushroom's ability to replenish NGF can assist to improve memory problems associated with dementia.
In fact, lion's mane was found to be beneficial to increase neuron production, which helped enhance motor skills in people suffering from Parkinson's as well as heal neurological damage resulting from a stroke.

Acts as a Natural Antidepressant

Lion's mane mushroom may provide relief to people suffering from depression. Its ability to induce synthesis of NGF is believed to be a contributing factor in improving mood, reducing anxiety symptoms as well as decreasing the risk of depression.

Improves Cognitive Function

The mushroom may help enhance cognitive function as found out through a study conducted in 2009, at the Hokuto Corporation and the Isogo Central and Neurosurgical Hospital. The treatment group consisted of 30 Japanese patients suffering from mild cognitive decline, and they were put on 250 mg tablets of lion's mane mushroom.
They were advised to take 4 tablets, thrice daily, for a period of 16 weeks. During this period, the patients showed a gradual increase in their cognitive ability, which was found to be substantial in the 16th week. However, after the intake of supplements was stopped, the next 4 weeks showed a steady decline in their cognitive ability.
Researchers concluded that improvement in cognitive function is visible provided the mushroom or its extracts are included daily in the diet.

Helps Treat Peptic Ulcers

Ulcers that form in the stomach or intestinal tract can be treated by consuming the mushroom or its extract. As we all know, gastric or peptic ulcers are caused due to an infection of the H. pylori bacteria. Lion's mane mushrooms show strong antibacterial activity, which can help destroy the H. pylori bacteria.
Clinical studies conducted in China have shown that cases of chronic atrophic gastritis respond quite well to extracts of lion's mane. The patients experienced substantial improvement in symptoms as the extracts reduced inflammation of the lining of the stomach.

Enhances Immune System

The mushrooms are an excellent source of antioxidants, polysaccharides, beta-glucoxylan, and beta-glucan that can help strengthen the immune system. These ingredients tend to display immune-modulating properties, which can help reduce chronic inflammation associated with arthritis.

Lowers High Cholesterol

Intake of lion's mane mushroom may benefit in combating high cholesterol. An animal study observed that there was an approx. 45% reduction in bad cholesterol, and 31% increase in good cholesterol, in subjects administered extracts of lion's mane. So, adding these mushrooms to the diet may help in maintaining healthy cholesterol levels.
Although research on lion's mane is limited, preliminary results are promising, as the mushrooms display the potential to replenish neurological function to combat nerve-related disorders. It is found to be safe, with no known serious side effects. However, those who have a mushroom allergy should altogether avoid them.
On the whole, one can always add cooked mushrooms to their diet to reap their benefits. Prior consultation with your health care provider or a certified herbalist is essential before you begin intake of extracts.
Disclaimer: The information provided in this story is solely for educating the reader. It is not intended to be a substitute for the advice of a medical expert.