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Health Benefits of Eating Rye

Dhanashree Patane
Rye is perhaps a lesser-known health food. However, it is a powerhouse of nutrients and energy. This story gives you a list of the various health benefits of eating rye...
Having originated in the Southern part of Europe, rye was considered a weed for more than 2,000 years. The production of rye is the highest in Russia and Poland.
Being in pace with modernization is a tough task. Balancing work and a healthy lifestyle is getting more difficult. However, this is a good reason as to why more people want to be aware of what they eat. They want a healthy body and mind. While all the whole grains, oats, and muesli have become a trend, the humble rye is rarely talked about.
Rye is a grain cereal just like wheat. It is long and slender as compared to wheat. The color of this grain varies from greenish-gray, brown to yellow. It is available in the cracked form, flour, or flakes. Most stores do not have a fancy display for rye, even though, besides its health benefits, it is so delicious in taste.
The advantage of eating rye instead of bread are many. For one, it is extremely nutritious. The flour made from rye packs a punch of nutritious goodness, as the germ and bran in rye cannot be separated easily from the endosperm. Below is a compilation of the benefits of including rye in your diet.

Health Benefits of Rye

Enlisted are the many benefits of rye, and most of you will be happy and surprised to know the various segments of health benefits that rye covers. It truly is a grain that goes way beyond traditional health benefits, compared to other grains and cereals.

◪ Fiber and Weight Loss

Rye is a rich source of fiber. It is the key to maintaining good health and keeping weight in check.
Fiber gives you a fuller feeling for longer, so with no more cravings between meals, you end up eating lesser. Plus, it is excellent for the digestive system. The fiber in this cereal is rich in 'non-cellulosic polysaccharides'. These have excellent water-binding capacities. So, when you eat rye, it expands in the body, making you feel fuller.
Rye bread also contains the highest level of bran, which has the strongest effect of satiety. You end up eating a wholesome and nutritious meal with rye.

◪ Ups Energy Levels

Rye is found to have a low Glycemic Index (GI). (this index is the rate at which a particular food is broken down to make glucose in the body).
A lower GI will ensure slower breaking down of food, which in turn will make you feel less hungry, all this while keeping your energy levels high.

◪ Prevents Gallstones

The fiber in rye is insoluble. A study conducted found that this fiber was effective in preventing the formation of gallstones in women. This study was published in the American Journal of Gastroenterology. Insoluble fiber is effective in reducing bile acids that may lead to gallstones.
It also helps in reducing the time of intestinal transit, the time frame required for food to move out of the intestine.

◪ Lowers Risk of Diabetes

Rye contains magnesium, which is important for glucose metabolism and insulin secretion. The high fiber in rye also helps in generating lower insulin response than wheat. Rye also improves the functioning of beta cells in the body. These cells are vital for secreting insulin.

◪ Promotes Gastrointestinal and Digestive Health

The fiber found in rye is healthy enough to bind all the toxins in the colon. It protects the cells in the colon from damage. This fiber also improves digestion, cleans the digestive tract, helps in regular bowel movements, and helps prevent constipation.

◪ Prevents Cardiovascular Diseases

And how does rye do that? It is the fiber again! It binds with the bile salts in the intestines, which are then disposed from the body.
This prompts the body to make more bile salts. Now, the process of making more bile salts requires the breaking down of more cholesterol. This reduces the levels of cholesterol, thus decreasing the risk of heart diseases. The fiber in rye also helps in lowering LDL (low-density lipoprotein) cholesterol, which is known to increase the risk of heart strokes.

◪ Combats Risk-inducing Genes in the Body

Perhaps, this is a relief. For people who have a history of some disease running through the family, rye may be the best choice. It was found that rye actually helps to 'down-regulate' disease-causing genes. A study was conducted by the University of Kuopio regarding the effect of a rye based meal on the genes.
It was observed that subjects including this meal in their diet showed more down-regulated genes, even those related to cardiovascular diseases and impaired insulin signaling.

◪ Balances Hormones in Menopause

Women, we have some good news. Rye is rich in 'phytoestrogens', which is a plant molecule.
This molecule helps the body in the same way estrogen helps your body. So while those estrogen levels take a dip, disrupting your balance, the phytoestrogens will help maintain the estrogen balance in your body. Relief?? At last!

◪ Reduces Risk of Breast Cancer

In a research conducted on pre-menopausal women, it was found that when they included a diet rich in high fiber like that of rye, their chances of developing breast cancer dropped drastically. Phytoestrogens and lignans found in rye help in the protection of breast tissues. They work against the cancer-promoting properties of estrogen hormone.

◪ Powerhouse of Nutrients

Rye is rich and packed with nutrients essential for a healthy body. So including this in your diet is going to provide you with nutrients like iron, calcium, magnesium, zinc, potassium, selenium, B12, and E vitamins.

◪ Improves Dental and Bone Health

As discussed above, rye is rich in nutrients like calcium and magnesium.
These are vital for the protection of the teeth. Calcium is also important for bone density and strength. Eating rye, which is packed with calcium, will ensure healthy bones and good dental health.
Need any more reasons for including this 'super-grain' in your diet? Well, I guess not. With so many generous benefits of rye, this is a 'must-include' grain in everyone's daily diet.