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Health Benefits of Caffeine

Rajib Singha
We often hear about the adverse effects associated with the consumption of caffeinated drinks and food items that contain this bitter alkaloid. However, it might offer some health benefits as well, if taken in small doses. Let us know more on this subject from this story.
Caffeine is found in coffee, tea, chocolates, and beans. It is known as C8H10N4O4 in chemical terms. In most kinds of illnesses, patients are recommended to avoid caffeinated drinks. However, it might prove beneficial, if taken in the right manner, and in small doses.

How Can Caffeine Benefit Us?

Excessive intake of caffeinated drinks is bad for health. However, you can reap its benefits on taking it in the right manner. Here's some information on the supposed health benefits of this alkaloid:
  • Drinking coffee increases alertness. This property of coffee comes from caffeine, which helps stimulate the brain.
  • Some research studies suggest that coffee drinkers stay at a low risk zone of developing type 2 diabetes, than those who are not. It must be noted that sugar intake must be monitored while having caffeinated drinks to reap the benefits.
  • Also, these people are less likely to develop certain types of cancers (oral, esophageal, and pharyngeal cancer), and strokes.
  • Taking pills that contain this alkaloid, early in morning is believed to increase the metabolism rate, which in turn, might help one lose weight.
  • People who are at a high risk of liver disease might benefit by taking it in small amounts.
  • Other benefits of coffee include reducing fatigue, tiredness, and exhaustion.
  • Taking it might add to the efficacy of medications that work to relieve pain. This is the reason, many over-the-counter headache drugs contain caffeine as one of their active ingredients.
  • Symptoms of medical conditions like asthma might be reduced with the help of this alkaloid.
  • Also, the use of pills that contain this alkaloid might help alleviate the symptoms of conditions like migraine, Parkinson's disease, gallstones, and several kinds of degenerative diseases to some extent.
  • It is also believed to help increase muscle strength, reduce depression, and increase concentration.
  • The antioxidant present in it helps in preventing muscle damage.
  • One research study suggests that people with liver cirrhosis can live longer by drinking 3 cups of coffee every alternate day.

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  • The use of this alkaloid might help in the treatment of short-term memory loss. This benefit comes from the fact that it boosts the growth of brain cells, thereby enhancing memory.
  • Extensive study done on patients suffering from cardiovascular diseases showed that coffee consumption might reduce the incidence of death due to such conditions.

Common Side Effects

This alkaloid may offer the aforementioned health benefits only when it is used in limited amounts. An overdose is very likely to give rise to some unpleasant consequences.
The common adverse effects might include:
  • Heartburn
  • Anxiety
  • Severe headaches
  • Hypertension
  • Lack of sleep
  • Rapid pulse
  • Nausea
  • Restlessness
  • Addiction
  • Dehydration
  • Acute pre-menstrual syndrome
  • Panic attacks
  • Frequent urination
So you see, too much of anything is bad. And to conclude, caffeine is not that bad after all, unless you become addicted to it or consume it in very large amounts.
Disclaimer: The information provided in this story is solely for educating the reader. It is not intended to be a substitute for the advice of a medical expert.