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Green Tea Nutrition Facts

Ankana Dey Choudhury
In the last few years, green tea has been in the limelight for its innumerable health benefits. Green tea and weight loss have become nearly synonymous, and so has green tea detox. So, is green tea really good for you? Let us try to determine that with the help of these nutrition facts.
"Drinking tea ... punctuates our day with precious and refreshing pauses, whether it is after a satisfying meal or when taking a much-needed break in our busy schedule."―Mutsuko Tokunaga in 'New Tastes in Green Tea'.
Every one is into green tea these days. Green tea to lose weight, green tea to lower cancer threats, green tea for cardiovascular health, green tea benefits for pregnant women... The list just goes on and on and on. Even US President Barack Obama has taken to drinking green tea in a bid to curtail his caffeine consumption.
The Chinese have been exploiting the goodness for green tea, using it to treat conditions for nothing less than 4,000 years now. So, what is it that makes green tea so potent a drink? It is undoubtedly the nutritional value that makes it so healthy.

Nutritional Value of Green Tea

The following facts are in tandem with a hundred ml of green tea.
  • Green tea has no traces of fats at all. It doesn't have any saturated, monounsaturated, polyunsaturated, or trans fat and, therefore, no calories coming from fat.
  • A hundred ml has 0.2 gms of carbohydrates and proteins each, and no cholesterol content.
  • When minerals are concerned, it has 27 mg of potassium (for regulation of water balance, blood pressure, and cardiovascular operation), 3 mg of sodium (for muscle contraction stimulation), 3 mg of calcium (for skeletal and dental health), 2 mg of magnesium (for energy production), and a small amount of copper (0.01 mg), iron (0.2 mg) and manganese (0.31 mg).
  • Rich in vitamin A, B, C, D, E, H, and K, green tea is replete with B vitamin varieties of riboflavin or B2 (0.05 mg), niacin or B3 (0.2 mg), pantothenic acid or B5 (0.04 mg), B6 (0.01 mg), and folic acid.
  • Green tea is full of tissue repairing amino acids which also aid in the production of antibodies, bile acids, certain vital enzymes, hemoglobin, hormones, milk proteins in breastfeeding mothers, glutathione and cytochrome, melanin, plasma proteins, purine, and pyrimidine. Amino acids play major role in the creation of rhodypsin and urea in the body as well.
  • Green tea nutrition facts indicate the rich presence of fluorides in the brewage, which prevents dental cavities and decay by eliminating bacteria, like Streptococcus mutans, thriving on the dentition.
  • A 2006 European Journal of Clinical Nutrition write-up revealed that catechin or bioflavonoid presence in tea makes it anti-carcinogenic and anti-inflammatory, and thus, helpful for the repair of wounded blood vessels and majorly helpful in keeping cardiovascular attacks at bay. 
Green tea has 24% of epigallocatechingallate and nearly 3% of epigallocatechin which work in the favor of the body. A cupful has an antioxidant polyphenol bioflavonoids content of about 10 to 40 mg.
  • Even though green tea has a high caffeine content, the catechin doesn't allow it to dehydrate the body. That way it is even more potent than water.
  • Green tea and weight loss are most often than not uttered together. Green tea aids oxidation of fat by stimulating liver enzymes. Thus, fat metabolism is hastened and obesity becomes a condition of the past.
Some other green tea health benefits include the potency of the beverage to help expecting women. Also, green tea eases the violent bouts of indigestion that pregnant ladies are so prone to.
Green tea is magnificent for anybody who drinks it regularly. It is refreshing, soothing, mood lifting, beneficial, and alleviating in every possible way, and harms the body in no way. The nutrition facts are witness to all the ways in which green tea can help the human body, and if you haven't tried this beverage already, then try at least a cup today. After all, you have nothing to lose and only possible gains awaiting.
Disclaimer: The information provided in this Story is solely for educating the reader. It is not intended to be a substitute for the advice of a medical expert.