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Health Benefits of Grapefruit Juice

Ujwal Deshmukh
Grapefruit is one of the richest sources of vitamin C, its juice is highly beneficial for the cure of many disorders. We'll be focusing on grapefruit juice benefits.
Grapefruit juice is nothing but the juice extracted out of grapefruit. Vitamin C content in this fruit is considerably high, which is why it is one of the most popular fruits of all time.
Although grapefruits resemble oranges, they are actually larger in size and are the youngest member of the citrus family. The reason behind this is that they are cross breeds of oranges and pomelo. This fruit resembles an orange but it is still called a grapefruit, as it grows in clusters, just like grapes.
You might wonder, why this fruit is so beneficial for the human body. The answer to your question lies in the contents of grapefruit. It is rich in essential oils, such as pinene and limonene.
Moreover, along with high amounts of vitamin C, it also has ample quantities of vitamin B complex, vitamin K, and also vitamin E. Minerals such as phosphorus, calcium, and potassium are also found in large amounts in this fruit. You will definitely reap the benefits of grapefruit whether you consume it in the form of a juice or as a whole.


  • Insomnia: A glass of grapefruit juice before going to bed is found to be beneficial in curing insomnia and promote sound sleep to a great extent.
  • Sore Throat: Vitamin C has been an all time popular cure-all to get rid of sore throat. Fresh grapefruit juice has proved beneficial to cure this problem and even soothe cough.
  • Fatigue: Vitamin C does it all! You can have grapefruit juice with lemon juice, coupled with some honey into it, and you will find yourself refreshed after a tiring day's work.
  • Diabetes: This juice is beneficial for diabetes treatment. Regular consumption of it helps in decreasing the starch and sugar content in your body and thus contributes towards diabetes control.
  • Pregnancy: Vitamin C and bioflavonoids present in grapefruit lower rate of water retention and also swelling of legs which are common occurrences during pregnancy.
  • Cholesterol Levels: Grapefruit juice, and especially that extracted from the red grapefruit, has been observed to prevent heart disorders and diseases. Moreover, it has also been found to reduce the cholesterol levels in many patients.
  • Atherosclerosis: Grapefruit juice, on account of its vitamin C content, is beneficial for increasing the strength of the arterial walls and also maintain their elasticity. Moreover, the pectin content in this fruit prevents the accumulation of arterial deposits and thus prevents atherosclerosis.
  • Weight Loss: Weight loss is amongst the many health benefits of this fruit. It contains fat burning enzymes, which contribute to weight loss by reducing sugar and starch in the body. Moreover, weight loss occurs as this juice reduces the levels of fatigue and energizes you to do a lot of physical activities.
  • Breast Cancer: Its benefits also include breast cancer treatment. Grapefruit juice, with the help of its bioflavonoids content, stops the spread of cancer cells in breast cancer patients by flushing out excess quantities of estrogen. However, research in this area is still in progress as there have been contradictions found to this point.
So, these were some of the grapefruit juice benefits. However, do not opt for it just because it is a popular form of treatment for many diseases. It's advisable to consult your doctor or an experienced dietitian to know whether it is suitable for your body type.
Disclaimer: This is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.