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Ginger Juice

Geeta Dhavale
Ginger has many medicinal properties. This story highlights the health benefits of using its juice.
Ginger is something that is readily available in every household. It has a unique spicy taste and hence, it is widely used as a spice in the Asian cooking. Ginger root has several healing properties, that can be used to our advantage by extracting its juice.

Health Benefits

Following are some of the advantages of consuming small amount of ginger juice regularly:
  • The juice can act as an anticlotting agent, by making the blood platelets less sticky. It also reduces many blood-related problems.
  • It provides with a natural aphrodisiac effect. A spoonful of the juice mixed with a hot cup of tea, can rejuvenate you.
  • It also improves the overall immune system, and reduces the risk of getting common cold and cough. When taken with honey, it can ease the throat pain caused by coughing. Drinking ginger tea helps alleviate the symptoms of cold.
  • It is antiemetic and hence, it is effective against nausea and vomiting.
  • It is also helpful for problems related to digestion. Consumption of an infusion of ginger and lemon juice can ease heartburn, indigestion, vomiting, and nausea caused by stomach infection.
  • It is also a great stress buster, that relaxes the muscles and tissues, making one feel energetic and revitalized. To make a refreshing drink, add a small spoon of this juice in lemon juice or fruit juice.
  • It cures inflammation, as it has anti-inflammatory properties. It helps in decreasing swelling and morning stiffness.
  • Pregnant women experiencing morning sickness can also get some relief, by consuming some juice with honey.
  • It also has pain-relieving and anti-cramping compounds. So, women suffering from menstruation cramps and other internal pains, can be treated by drinking a hot infusion of the juice.
  • It is also known to promote smooth blood flow, by relaxing the peripheral blood vessels in the body. In short, it improves overall blood circulation in the body.
  • It also has antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal qualities and so, it can be used externally as well. Applying a little amount of juice on swellings, acts as a painkiller.
  • Another benefit is that it has no side effects, and does not interfere with any other nutrients in the body.
With so many health benefits, the only thing you must remember is to keep the juice intake limited. Not more than three to four teaspoons of juice should be consumed in a single day. This juice is readily available in the market; however, you can easily make it at home as well.
All you have to do is, grind clean and washed ginger pieces in a mixer grinder. Put the mixture on a cheesecloth and press out the juice in a container, and store it in the refrigerator.
Disclaimer: This article is for informative purposes only and does not in any way attempt to replace the advice offered by an expert on the subject.