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Fruit and Vegetable Juice Diet

Azmin Taraporewala
A fruit and vegetable juice diet is a detox regime that aids an individual in a number of ways. Weight loss and cleansing are two potent propositions to consider.
There are times when our body gives way to fatigue and misery, making us want to unwind ... for good. One may also feel the burden of jibes they are convicted to, because they do not have a desirable figure; and there is a lot who perpetually fantasizes about having beautiful skin without any blemishes waving at them.
Well, the answer to all these dilemmas is just one, i.e., following a detox juice diet. All in all, I can say, it is extremely beneficial if you want to put your complaints at rest. Besides the benefits of juicing aforementioned, there is a plethora of benefits that fruit and vegetable juices proffer.

Benefits of the Juice Diet

It eliminates waste effectively.
It gives a refreshing break to the digestive system from performing its mandatory process.
Juices are a rich source of essential nutrients, such as vitamins, minerals, and essential antioxidants
♨ Vegetables contain a pigment called chlorophyll which deep cleanses the digestive system, making it work efficiently.
♨ Fruits that are high on their acid content, such as orange and sweet lime, could serve to be rich sources in order to maintain the pH balance of the body.
♨ It makes your skin glow due to their cleansing properties.
♨ It help you in losing weight and achieve your desired weight goal.
♨ Improves your vitality during work and other activities you indulge in.
♨ Blood sugar levels are well maintained.

Dos for the Detox Diet

When you are on a detox diet, make sure you pick all fresh & organic fruits & vegetables. They are natural & provide ample benefits.
Have breakfast daily. Skipping breakfast may lead to backfiring the detoxifying process.
Make a habit to indulge in a light form of exercise when you are on a detox diet. Make it a point to go for walks or jogs. Be active.
Drink water; that's the key! Stay hydrated so that the toxins could be flushed out completely.
Include fiber in your diet; if you do have fiber in your diet, it would be better if you increase the intake and the consumption.
With the fruit and vegetable juice diet, inclusion of yogurt may be beneficial.
Make a regimen for drinking juices at a stipulated time every day.
Sip your juices; draining it in a single shot may hamper the effectiveness getting hampered.
Drink fresh fruit juices. Juices packed in cartons may have added preservatives. Remember fresh is fun and fruitful in the longer run!

Juice Detox Recipes

Here are some recipes that you would love to treat yourself with. Let this section remind you that fresh fruits and vegetables should not only be demanded when one is on a detox diet, but should also be indulged in, on a regular basis.

Lemonade Diet

Get This:
  • 1 Lemon
  • A Strainer
  • A pinch of Cayenne Pepper
  • ½ teaspoon of Honey
  • 1 cup of Water
• Do This: Squeeze the lemon in water with a strainer. Add cayenne pepper and honey for taste, and blend the ingredients well. Done! You may have this either in the morning before brushing, or you may have it throughout the day, making it your sole juice detox diet for 7 days.
• What You May Like: It is very effective and is also regarded as the Master Cleanse diet. It cleanses the system thoroughly and makes for a refreshing drink which does not give you hunger pangs.
• What You May Not Like: It is a 7-day long diet and one should not continue it well after that. You may endure excessive weakness and make it difficult for your system to come back to normal, when you have continued the diet for more than 7 days.

Cucumber and Apple Juice

Get This:
  • Sliced Cucumber
  • Chopped Apples
  • Sprinkle of Cayenne Pepper
  • 1 finely chopped Carrot
• Do This: Put the ingredients in a blending jar with ½ cup of water and sip the contents. It is your choice if you want to add cayenne pepper. You may avoid doing so, if you are comfortable with the taste.
• What You May Like: It detoxes the body and gives your skin the much-required glow. Vitamin C and K with folic acid and amino acids rejuvenate the system and strengthen the bones and muscles.
• What You May Not Like: The vegetables that are included may not please your taste buds; however, you may have to endure the taste for the benefits they provide.

Carrot and Peach Juice

Get This:
  • 2-3 Sliced Peach
  • 1 Sliced Carrot
• Do This: Mix the ingredients in a cup of water and blend them. Make sure that you wash the carrot and the peach well, before using it.
• What You May Like: The peach delivers a presentable flavor with the juice not being too sweet, nor too sour. Its nutritional value refreshes you and clears your system.
• What You May Not Like: The taste may not be according to your liking; however, you may have to endure the juice for what it proposes to offer.

Pomegranate and Apple Juice

Get This:
  • 1 pomegranate
  • 1 apple
• Do This: Chop the apple and squeeze the pulp from the pomegranate and put it in the blender mixed with ¼ cup of water.
• What You May Like: Pomegranate is shown to be helpful in fighting cancer, cleansing the body, preventing osteoarthritis, and controlling blood pressure.
• What You May Not Like: This delicious preparation can be consumed once a day. Approximately 250 ml of juice, or roughly a glass is ideal for consumption. It is better if you do not add sugar, as it is moderately sweet.

Beet and Pineapple Juice

Get This:
  • Mashed Beet
  • Pineapple slices
  • 2 to 3 drops of Lemon
  • 1 carrot
• Do This: Mix all the ingredients and blend it well for consistency. Drink this concoction twice a day.
• What You May Like: It prevents hunger pangs. Beet has a pigment called chlorophyll that helps in issues concerning low hemoglobin levels in the body. It builds blood, flushes out the toxins, and makes you feel active.
• What You May Not Like: Do not continue this diet for days on end. It may make you feel lethargic and weak. Make sure that you sip on this juice and do not drain it down. You may suddenly feel like throwing up if you don't go slow.
Bear in mind that juices are most nutritive when freshly concocted. To help you get the drift of what I mean; juice -- when prepared -- should not stay put for long. The period where the juice lies in situ, retreats the essential vitamins and enzymes present in the juice. In the bargain, you lose out on this nutritious glob. Bottom line: Drink it fresh out of the juicer!
With these recipes, I believe that you would be able to go on a fruit and vegetable juice diet freely. However, before you start with any of these diets make sure that you consult a medical practitioner. This story is not meant to replace a doctor's advise, and in no way, attempts to supplant a doctor's prescription.