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Fruit and Vegetable Diet Plan for Weight Loss

Naomi Sarah
The fruit and vegetable diet can help you trim away the pounds, without having to turn to drastic methods like crash dieting. Learn here, on how to incorporate fruits and veggies in an effective weight loss regime...
Those who want to switch to an all vegetarian diet without dealing with anything meat oriented, can turn to a fruit and vegetable diet plan for weight loss.
Although it is important to use meat in a diet of at least the lean kind, turning to an all fruit and veg based diet could help you lose weight. Go on this diet for 6 months and then gradually introduce into your diet one helping of lean meat like seafood or chicken (without skin) before taking it up a notch the following week to two meat-based meals.
By doing this, you don't allow your body to pack in any calories, giving it time to go back slowly to your meat eating days. Fruits and vegetables alone can give you nutrients, but some form of meat in a diet should be included. Consult a dietitian if the fruit and vegetable diet is good for your body before you can stay off meat possibly for good.

How to Construct a Fruit and Veg Diet Plan

Having small meals a day, not only helps keep you satiated, but maintains the rate of your metabolism. One golden rule to remember in any good weight loss plan, is that without exercising the right way, you cannot lose pounds consistently over a span of a couple of months.
Metabolism has to be up and running at all times, and eating smaller portions over the course of the day, with the inclusion of exercise in your routine, will maintain just that. The fruit and vegetable diet results are evident, where you need dedication to help yourself lose those unsightly fat deposits.

Meal 1

→ Start your day with a hearty breakfast and include all vital nutrients, keeping in mind that you need to take care of portion intake. Do not stuff yourself silly while on the diet, or whenever you sit down for a meal.
  • 1 quarter sized bowl of whole wheat cereal with ½ a cup of non-fat milk (avoid sugar at all costs, use your choice of berries instead for natural sweetness or a tsp. of stevia).
  • 2 eggs (egg whites only, boiled) with 1 slice of brown bread.
  • 1 mug of green tea (add 2 drops of lemon essence)/black coffee (without cream/sugar/milk).

Meal 2

→ Two hours after breakfast, you need to put something into your system to give life to your metabolism. Fire it up by eating any one of the following munchies.
  • Non-fat yogurt (add your own fruit to it; avoid buying those that come with fruit already in it or are flavored).
  • A handful of boiled groundnuts.
  • A bowl of grapefruit.
  • Fruit salad with non-fat dressing (avoid bananas, custard apples, papayas, sapodillas and mangoes).

Meal 3

→ An hour later, you can then dig into lunch, which should consist of a portion that is enough to fill a quarter plate. You don't want to go overboard here, since you do have six meals to cover in a day.
  • Grilled tofu with a side of lentils/beans.
  • Vegetables sautéed in olive oil, with a side of grilled cottage cheese.
  • Baked beans with brown toasted bread and mini green salad (use olive oil and herbs for flavor, coupled with lemon juice; avoid salt and salad dressing).
  • Avocado dip with baked tacos.
  • Cream of mushroom soup (quarter bowl) with stuffed mushroom canapés (4 pieces).
  • Egg salad with boiled whites and veggies of your choice.
  • Vegetarian casserole (quarter plate sized portion).

Meal 4

→Two hours into the day post lunch, wash down your system with a glass of water. Choose from these munchies (one item only) for your next meal.
  • A single apple (with skin).
  • 6 olives (with or w/o seeds).
  • 3 whole wheat crackers topped with blue cheese.
  • A mug of green tea only (lemon essence [2 drops] and mint leaves).
  • 1 cup of black coffee sans sugar, cream or milk.

Meal 5

→ Two hours later, consume nothing but a liquid, since you've had a good portion of solids so far. Choose one from the list mentioned ahead.
  • A glass of freshly squeezed juice.
  • A small bowl of cherries.
  • A slice of toasted brown bread with unsalted non-fat butter.

Meal 6

→ At exactly 7:30 pm until 8 pm, you have this time-frame to eat your last meal. Choose again from the given options.
  • A small bowl of fruit.
  • A single cucumber.
    A glass of warm non-fat milk (flavor using bits of fruit like berries).
  • Brown bread sandwich with veggies.
  • Whole wheat pasta salad (quarter sized bowl)
The fruit and vegetable diet plan can help you melt away fat in a matter of weeks, if taken seriously. Be sure to use non-fat add-ons when indulging in a fruit or vegetable salad, and limit cheese and other milk products to every other day.
Drink plenty of water whenever you aren't getting down to a meal; consume nothing post 8 pm. Exercise is the key here, so be sure to sign up for yoga classes or join a gym, to help with the fat loss regimen. Have a healthy tomorrow.