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Frosted Flakes Nutrition Facts

Ankana Dey Choudhury
Frosted flakes make for an easy to make and yummy breakfast cereal for kids. If you are a conscious parent, find out its nutrition facts and know why it is a good, healthy, and nutritious food option.
Back in the latter half of 1940s, the cereal markets had hit an all time low, given the influence and promotion of eggs, potatoes, and bacon as salubrious breakfast options by doctors and dietitians. It is then that Kellogg's floated the product 'sugar frosted flakes' in the year 1952.
This new strategy to target and allure children, coaxing them to try this new cornflakes variety, coated with sugar, worked. The rest, of course is history.
Today we find myriad brands selling it, such as 'Malt-O-Meal' and 'Publix'. But, in today's nutrition conscious globe, it is important to look into its nutrition facts, even if it is advertised as a very healthy breakfast option for adults and kids alike.
These facts can help determine a definitive diet plan for the rest of the day, and also the number of times a person can devour on these delectable flakes.

The Facts

The following data is based on a serving size of 31 gms. Keep in mind that this information may vary slightly from company to company. But the range of difference is not very major.
  • Fats: Frosted flakes have no fats present at all. Thus, calories coming from fats are also zero in number. 
While the absence of harmful saturated and trans fats is a cause for celebration, they also lack the essential monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, that the body requires.
  • Proteins: Proteins are macro nutrients which the body cannot store but constantly needs for multifarious activities. So, one needs to consume protein rich food everyday to keep the protein content in the body from deteriorating. ¾ cup of frosted flakes can give you about a gram of proteins.
  • Carbohydrates: 1 serving can cater to about 9% of the Daily Value (DV) of carbohydrates, owing to the fact that 31 gms of presweetened flakes have about 28 gms of carbohydrates. Out of that 13 gms is sugar for energy and 1 gm is dietary fiber for roughage and related metabolic processes.
So, it has 120 calories in 31 gms, out of that, proteins are responsible for only 3% of the calories. The rest comes from carbohydrates.

Other Nutrition Information

  • 1 serving has up to 200 mg of sodium, which is about 8% of the DV stipulation.
  • They have no cholesterol but also no calcium.
  • One of the richest sources of vitamin A and C, a serving has 15% of vitamin A and 25% vitamin C DV recommendation.
  • They have high contents of B vitamin types, like pantothenic acid (1%), riboflavin (27%), thiamine (25%), niacin (25%), vitamin B6 (25%), and B12 (26%) catering to the DV requirements to the percentage mentioned in the brackets.
  • Very rich in iron, they can give you 25% of the DV requirement of this mineral.
  • 1 serving of the above mentioned size of frosted flakes also has 1% each of potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, and copper.
  • They are also cereals low in sugar as they have only 13 gms of sugar in one serving.
Clearly these facts indicate how nourishing these cereals are and they have no adverse effects on your health. They definitely make it to the list of cereals that are good for you.