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Foods that Prevent Iron Absorption

Chandramita Bora
There are several foods that can have a negative impact on iron absorption due to the presence of certain compounds in them. Learn more about these foods by reading this story.
Did You Know?
Cooking vegetables can help you absorb more non-heme iron from them.

Dietary iron comes in two forms, known as heme and non-heme iron. Out of these two forms, heme iron is more easily absorbed by the body. It can be found in meat, poultry, fish, and seafood.
On the other hand, plant-based foods like whole grains, legumes, green leafy vegetables, nuts and seeds, are the main sources of non-heme iron.
Iron plays several important roles in our body including the transportation of oxygen. Therefore, it is important to include adequate amount of iron-rich foods in our diet. However, our body absorbs only a portion of the iron from the foods we consume. The absorption of iron is mainly affected by the amount of iron already stored in our body.
Our body absorbs less iron, if it already has a large amount of iron stored in the liver, spleen, and bone marrow. Apart from this, there are some foods that can have a negative effect on the absorption of iron. Let's have a brief look at the foods that can reduce the absorption of this crucial mineral.

Foods that Inhibit Iron Absorption

Foods Rich in Calcium
Calcium can prevent the absorption of both heme and non-heme iron. Milk, yogurt, cheese, salmon, sardines, tofu, figs, rhubarb, and turnip greens, are some of the calcium-rich foods that can affect the absorption of iron.
However, it has been found that 50 mg or less calcium has negligible effect on iron absorption. But, intake of 300 to 600 mg calcium can inhibit iron absorption significantly.
However, some of the calcium-rich foods, such as fish and figs, are important sources of iron. Fish contains heme iron that is readily absorbed by the body. Moreover, calcium is also an essential mineral required for healthy bones and teeth.
Therefore, these foods should not be avoided altogether to boost the level of iron. Instead, we can space out the consumption of iron-rich foods and foods that contain calcium, like milk and yogurt, in order to improve the absorption of iron.
Foods Rich in Phosphorus
Like calcium, phosphorus too is crucial for maintaining bone health. But, it can adversely affect the absorption of non-heme iron. Phosphorus is mainly found in meat, poultry, fish, dairy products, whole grains, nuts, and legumes
But, meat, fish, and poultry, are some of the excellent sources of heme-iron and hence should not be excluded from diet, if you are trying to boost your iron levels. You can take them along with foods rich in vitamin C, which can facilitate the absorption of iron in the intestine.
Foods Containing Phytates
Whole grains and legumes contain a compound known as phytate, which has been found to affect the absorption of non-heme iron adversely. Apart from whole grains and legumes, this compound can be found in nuts, seeds, bread, rice, split peas, cereals, and soy products.
But, many of these phytate-containing foods, such as whole grains and legumes are a major source of non-heme iron. So, their consumption can ensure increased intake of iron and thus help offset any reduction in iron absorption.
Coffee and Tea
Coffee and tea can also impair the ability to absorb iron, mainly due to the presence of a compound called tannin. Tannins are a type of polyphenols, that can have a strong inhibitory effect on the absorption of iron, mainly non-heme iron.
Apart from coffee and tea, other beverages that contain tannins are red wine, apple and berry juice, and beer. However, you can avoid the inhibitory effect of these beverages by not drinking them within two hours, before and after consuming any iron-rich meal.
Foods Containing Oxalates
Oxalate is a salt or ester of oxalic acid that reduces the absorption of iron in the body. Spinach is a very rich source of dietary non-heme iron, but contains oxalates. This is the reason why the iron present in spinach may not get readily absorbed by the body at times.
But, the effects of oxalates can be counteracted by eating spinach with meat and vitamin C rich foods, like oranges and broccoli. In addition to spinach, oxalates can be found in beets, kale, tea, chocolates, rhubarb, basil, parsley, and oregano.

Foods that Enhance Iron Absorption

There are several foods that can increase the absorption of iron in the body. These foods can help counteract the effects of those compounds that inhibit the absorption of this crucial mineral. It has been observed that vitamin C can significantly increase the absorption of iron, especially the non-heme iron.
This nutrient can be abundantly found in citrus fruits, guavas, kiwi fruit, strawberries, bell peppers, broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, and dark and green leafy vegetables such as kale and mustard green. Like vitamin C, animal protein like, meat, fish, and poultry, can boost the absorption of iron from plant sources.
To ensure maximum absorption of iron, include iron-rich foods in your diet, and eat them along with those foods that can promote the absorption of this mineral. To sum up, follow a balanced diet and eat a reasonable mix of foods, so that you can get the required amount of all the vital nutrients, including iron.