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Foods that Lower LDL

Brown rice, fish, nuts, etc., are some of the foods that can lower the amount of LDL in the body. Find out more about such foods which can prevent you from the ill-effects of high amount of LDL.
Aparna Jadhav
LDL stands for Low Density Lipoprotein which is one of the five groups of lipoproteins, that help in the transportation of lipids like cholesterol and triglycerides within the bloodstream.
However, out of all these lipoprotein groups, LDL is considered to be responsible for many cardiovascular diseases and thus known as "bad cholesterol". In contradiction, HDL or High Density Lipoprotein is known as the "good cholesterol" and is healthy for the body's metabolism.
While flowing through the bloodstream, cholesterol doesn't mix with water and thus needs help in moving around. HDL comes to the rescue at such times and transports this cholesterol by forming packets of it and moves it to the liver, from where it is flushed out of the body.
Whereas LDL deposits this cholesterol onto the vessel walls and causes heart disease and obesity. To help through this situation, there are certain foods that can help in lowering LDL.

How to Keep the LDL Levels Low

Your low cholesterol diet is the only way through which maximum amounts of diseases can be fought.
Through the consumption of the right foods, you get the required nutrients which gives energy as well as strengthen the immune system. Through all this, your body functions properly and battles the various types of infections that attack it.
These foods also prove healthy because they prevent the body from weight gain and heart problems.

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Mentioned ahead in the story are some food choices you can have to reduce your LDL along with regular exercising. Instead of sorting to weight loss diets with fake promises, you can simply follow a healthy diet with these foods and exercise regularly to lose weight and stay fit. Take a look at the list mentioned below.


Fruits like red grapes, apples and green grapes are very rich in soluble fiber. This soluble fiber helps to draw cholesterol out of the system and doesn't let the bad cholesterol accumulate in the body. Flavonoids, present in the grapes protect LDL cholesterol from free radical damage and minimize platelet clumping.


Beans and green vegetables are also an excellent sources of soluble fiber and protein. By properly combining beans with brown rice, seeds, corn, wheat, you can create a complete protein rich meal.
There is no need for red meat protein to fulfill body's protein requirement as red meat is high in saturated fat (unhealthy fat). It is also found that cinnamon reduces triglyceride. Garlic, soy, chillies and eggplant are also rich in soluble fibers to be included in the list.

Brown Rice

This food contains a heart-healthy fiber, magnesium and B vitamins which are very good binders and help release the LDL out of the body. The oil in the whole brown rice does this job more finely than its fiber.


Fish and seafood is the richest source of Omega-3 essential fatty acids and protein. These are the healthy fatty acids required by the body. They also increase the amounts of HDL. The fish that can be included in our diet can be; mackerel, tuna, sardines, salmon, anchovies, and herring.


If you are not a big fan of nuts, you are definitely missing out one of the best LDL reducer required by the body. Nuts such as walnuts and pecans are very rich in Omega-3 fatty acids and fiber. So if you don't eat fish, these can be your heroes! They have the ability to raise the HDL levels and reduce LDL to keep the body healthy and fit.


This is the best and healthiest breakfast you can have if you are suffering from obesity and trying to get rid of excess weight. Oats are soluble fiber foods and 5 to 10 grams of oats every day can reduce LDL by 5%. Thus, make sure you have this healthy breakfast which also fills you up till lunch!
With these great foods, you can reduce your extra bad cholesterol within a month of regular exercise accompanied with it. So, make sure you eat healthy as that's the cure for almost all your health problems.
Disclaimer: This story is for informative purposes only and does not in any way attempt to replace the advice offered by an expert on the subject.