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Fenugreek Side Effects

Abhijit Naik
Fenugreek has been used for its health benefits since time immemorial. Of late, however, it has come under the scanner for a range of side effects, which have to be looked into.
Fenugreek herbal supplements are considered beneficial for the treatment of various health conditions, including high cholesterol and hyperglycemia. Being a herb, fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum) has not been subjected to extensive research as yet. Its widely-known benefits and little-known side effects, both are mostly based on theoretical knowledge and a few case studies.
India is the major producer of fenugreek in the world, followed by countries like China, Egypt, Argentina, France, and Morocco. The herb has been in use since ancient times, with some records tracing its use to 1500 BC. Its leaves are usually used as herbs, while its seeds are used as spices in the kitchen.
As in case of any herbal supplement, even fenugreek has its own benefits and side effects. While people have been aware of its benefits for a long time, it has been more in news for its numerous side effects of late.
General Side Effects of Fenugreek
Like we said, fenugreek is not just used as a herbal supplement, but is also used as a flavoring agent in several cuisines. However, its side effects seem to be relatively more apparent when it is used as a herbal supplement, wherein it is in its concentrated form.
Then again, all these effects would be best defined as "likely side effects" as they are yet to be enlisted into medical reference books. While some of the side effects are known to medical professionals as they are pretty obvious, the others are yet to be ascertained.
  • People allergic to fenugreek are likely to experience breathlessness, swelling of the face, bloating, heartburn, and diarrhea when they consume it.
  • Though it is often used to curb asthma, at times, inhaling fenugreek in itself can trigger an asthma attack.
  • Some people also experience irritation of the skin when they come in contact with this herb.
  • Though rare, there have been cases of children losing consciousness after drinking fenugreek tea.
  • As fenugreek is also known to lower the levels of blood glucose, it should be avoided by people who are suffering from diabetes and heart disease.
  • Experts advise against the use of fenugreek simultaneously with some other medication. Due to its high fiber content, it can coincide with the absorption of other drugs and lead to negative reactions within the body.
  • One may notice a change in the color of urine after consuming fenugreek supplement, which can be attributed to the sotolone compound, which doesn't change its color as it passes through the body.
  • Fenugreek can lead to uterine contractions and therefore, pregnant women should completely avoid using it. It is believed that the consumption of this herb during pregnancy can lead to preterm labor, or even miscarriage at times.
  • Fenugreek is considered an emmenagogue, i.e., an agent that promotes menstrual flow. But girls with a history of abnormal menstrual cycle should avoid using it, as it can lead to problems like breakthrough bleeding.
  • Fenugreek has been traditionally used to increase milk production in nursing mothers. However, if the mother uses it in excess, its side effects are bound to reflect on the baby. Excess consumption of the herb may result in watery stools, diarrhea, and upset stomach in babies
Even the increase in milk supply due to fenugreek consumption can have some adverse effects on the baby, by causing watery stools and upset stomach.
Caution: You should immediately stop using fenugreek and seek medical attention if you notice any of these aforementioned symptoms. Similarly, you should not use fenugreek supplements if you are pregnant, or if you are breastfeeding a baby. It was traditionally used to stimulate labor, but even that is not recommended today.
This herbal supplement is best avoided for people with diabetes, or blood clotting disorder, etc.

While these were some of the known side effects of fenugreek, experts believe that there are many more adverse effects of the same, which will only surface when it is subjected to proper research.
The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) doesn't approve the use of herbal medicine for health benefits, and hence it is wise to use fenugreek, or any other herbal supplement, only after consulting an expert.