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Pros and Cons of Fad Dieting

Madhura Pandit
Fad diets are extreme diets meant for weight loss. They have their share of pros and cons. Let us know if it is safe to follow this diet plan.
As there is a widespread awareness about the harmful effects of obesity, weight loss is on everyone's mind. People look for weight loss plans in order to lose weight quickly and effectively. Among the numerous plans, crash or fad diets are very popular, as they insure weight loss in mere couple of days and weeks.
Fad diets are specially planned diets that advocate eating specific type of food for a specified duration. Some are near-starvation diets. As many celebrities are found to follow these diets, they are a rage all over the world. The Atkins, Cabbage soup, master cleanse, raw food, zone, the pizza diet, etc., are some popular fad diets today.

Should you Follow a Fad diet?

There are several advantages and disadvantages associated with fad diets. There are also potential side effects associated with most of them, which may or may not be seen in people. These diets may suit some people and may not be appropriate for some other. Therefore, the effectiveness of these diets is a debatable issue.


  • Most of the fad diets are to be followed for a short period, and hence, they are easier to follow.
  • As the calorie intake is controlled, there are high chances of losing weight.
  • As most fad diets emphasize on the intake of fruits and vegetables, a person gains all the essential vitamins, fibers, minerals.
  • Elimination of refined carbohydrates, fats, sugar, etc., from the diet helps in maintaining proper blood sugar.
  • Some fad diets are properly planned (the zone diet) and include all the essential nutrients like carbohydrates, fats, proteins, etc. These rarely lead to side effects that are associated with starvation.
  • Some fad diets like the master cleanse helps in complete detoxification, which can help in enhancing the texture of skin, along with weight loss.
  • Due to the immediate results of fad diets, one gets motivated, and hence, looks forward to weight loss enthusiastically and continues having healthy food.


  • Unfortunately, most fad diets like the cabbage soup, master cleanse, or chocolate diet, make a person deficient in essential vitamins, minerals, and proteins.
  • Specifically, fad diets that advocate a high protein low carb diet can cause the body to become deficient in electrolytes.
  • Some of the potential side effects of fad diets are low blood pressure, kidney stone, weakness, lack of sleep, and fatigue.
  • Most of the fad diets urge people to completely cut down on carbohydrates and fats. In that case, the person can suffer from lack of energy.
  • Lack of fluids or excess fluids (in case of liquid diets) in the body can lead to dehydration or diarrhea respectively.
  • It has been found that following a fad diet for a long period can lead to vitamin deficiencies and malnutrition.
  • According to facts, many people have reported to have gained weight after stopping this rigorous diet plan. Thus, it is possible for the diet to have an opposite effect on the body.
From the aforementioned facts, we observe that there are high possibilities of people being stuck in the weight loss-weight gain cycle, which may have adverse effects on the body in the long run. It is advised that if one wishes to follow any fad diet, he/she should consult the doctor and carry out the diet only under the doctor's supervision.
As a concluding note, it is recommended to rather lose weight naturally by following a healthy diet and exercise plan. Good luck!
Disclaimer: This story is meant only to provide information.