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Extra Virgin Olive Oil Nutrition Facts

Ningthoujam Sandhyarani
The nutritional value of extra virgin olive oil is attributed to the presence of essential fatty acids and antioxidant compounds in large amounts and hence is highly appreciated by nutritionists.
Olive oil is a type of vegetable oil, obtained by crushing and pressing of olive fruits. Based on the production process and constituent ingredients, there are several grades of olive oil. When we say extra virgin olive oil, it refers to the less processed, flavorful oil having a pleasant aroma, which contains 0.8 percent free fatty acids.
A highly demanding oil in the market with several health benefits, health conscious people are interested in knowing the extra virgin olive oil nutrition facts.

Calories and Nutrition Facts

The application of extra virgin olive oil is not limited to culinary practices alone, but it is widely used in cosmetic products, alternative medicine and pharmaceutical industry. So, you can expect the market demand for this vegetable oil.
When used for consumption purpose, it doesn't disturb the balance between omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. And if you are interested in including this oil in your daily diet, the following info on the nutritional values of extra virgin olive oil will interest you.


Whether you refer to regular olive oil or extra virgin olive oil, the calorie count remains nearly the same for all brands. Serving 1 teaspoon of extra virgin olive oil is equivalent to 60 calories. The total calorie comes from fats, which account to about 7 g of the total oil weight. Isolated from the first pressing of olives, the nutritional value of extra virgin olive oil is higher than other olive oil grades.

Nutritional Facts

While explaining the nutrition facts for extra virgin olive oil, the two main attributes are high monounsaturated fatty acid content (basically omega-9 essential fatty acid) and presence of antioxidant agents in high amounts.
The primary fatty acids isolated from olive oil are oleic acid and palmitic acid. Other beneficial constituents of this vegetable oil are squalene (a hydrocarbon precursor for steroids), sterols, vitamin E and carotenoids.
Other than the fatty acids and antioxidants, olive oil lacks vitamins A and C, carbohydrates, proteins, fiber, calcium, iron and other trace minerals.
On a positive note, extra virgin olive oil nutrition facts clearly signify the absence of cholesterol and sodium, which are the two major restrictive ingredients for people with coronary heart disease. In simple words, this olive oil is good for heart patients, and for people who are prone to cardiovascular diseases.
In contrary to other fatty foods, the health benefits of olive oil are attributed to the fat content. This indicates that not all fat rich foods are unhealthy, but it is the type of fats present in them, which determine whether the food items are healthy or not.
The monounsaturated fatty acids isolated from olive oil are essential for normal functioning of the body processes. These healthy fats are effectual to lower bad cholesterol (LDL), while helping to increase the good cholesterol (HDL) level in the blood.
According to studies, it is found that taking 2 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil daily for 7 days reduces LDL level notably. At the same time, the amount of antioxidant level is increased significantly. This oil's cardioprotective ability comes from the phenolic content and essential fatty acids.
The effectiveness of olive oil in minimizing the risks of heart diseases is also evident from the fact that, stroke and heart attack incidences are low in regions where olive oil and olives are consumed on a wide scale.
So, aren't extra virgin olive oil nutrition facts interesting? No doubt, olive oil calories are moderately high, and you need to adjust the food menu along with the serving amounts accordingly.
But, the components that contribute to the calorie count are essential fatty acids. So, there is no harm in consuming a certain amount of extra virgin olive oil everyday, unless the daily calorie requirement is not exceeded.