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Egg White Calories and Protein

Palmira S
The nutritional value contained in an egg varies according to its size. This story provides some information related to the calories and protein present in egg whites.
Egg is a nutritious food and a useful source of protein, iodine, and essential vitamins. It is a versatile ingredient and used in a wide range of cuisines. There are numerous benefits of eggs; one of them being, its nutritional value. Since it contains all the nutrients in optimum amounts, it is good for health.
This is a breakdown of the nutrition contained in 2 large egg whites.
  • Calories - 34
  • Fat - 0
  • Protein - 7 g
  • Cholesterol - 0
  • Sodium - 110 mg

Nutrition Facts

Egg white, also known as albumen, is the clear liquid present in raw eggs. This liquid protects the yolk, which contains large amounts of fats and cholesterol. Egg white contains a large amount of proteins, almost 40 kinds, in it. Along with different kind of proteins, it also contains glucose, minerals, and vitamins.
Minerals like calcium, phosphorus, copper, zinc, iron, magnesium, and potassium are also present in trace amounts.
The calorie content in albumen is moderate. It is also rich in vitamins like vitamin A, vitamin B (especially, vitamin B12), vitamin D, vitamin E, and vitamin K. Further, it also consists of amino acids, which are required for metabolism.
The albumen comprises most of the weight of the egg. Since, it contains all the vital nutrients, and less amounts of cholesterol and fats, some opt for an albumen diet.
The nutrients contained in boiled eggs are different, than those contained in the unboiled ones. One boiled egg white has 12 calories per serving, while it contains 4 g of proteins. They do not contain fats and cholesterol, similar to unboiled eggs. If at all albumen fats are present, they are in negligible amounts.
Hence, these can also be consumed by those following a weight reduction program. In short, the albumen calories and fat contained in boiled eggs is to some extent, similar to that of unboiled eggs.
Since eggs are rich in nutrients, they help in strengthening the immune system and in the development of a strong vision. They also help lower the risk of eye problems such as macular degeneration and cataract to some extent. Besides helping in blood formation, they also promote the health of skin and bones. Research studies have shown that they also strengthen the nervous system.
Consumption of one boiled egg daily will certainly prove beneficial for the body, and is not likely to cause any side effects. However, excess consumption may lead to constipation. People who follow an intensive workout can consume 2 to 3 eggs in a day, to get the much-needed nutrients.
All the nutrients in albumen are in right amounts; neither are they minimal nor in excess. Hence, it can be consumed by everyone without any risk of untoward effects.
Disclaimer: This story is for informative purposes only and does not in any way attempt to replace the advice offered by an expert on the subject.