Are you avoiding dry roasted almonds for the fear of weight gain? Such fears are groundless. The upcoming story aims at exploring the niceties of this utterly beneficial dry fruit.
Almond is the seed of the fruit of the almond tree. The exquisitely flavored almonds are available throughout the year. These seeds when added to a dish, make it healthy and tasty. They are mainly added to sweet and savory dishes. During mid 1700s, the first almond tree was planted in California which was brought from Spain.
At present, California is the world's largest producer of almonds. Dates and almonds are supposed to be the oldest cultivated foods. The chocolate industry requires almost 40% of the almonds produced, the world over. About 1,000 pounds of almonds are required to produce one pint of almond oil. Roasting almonds helps in enhancing their taste.
Why are Raw Almonds Better Than Roasted Ones?
The quantity of free aspargine in almonds makes them more prone to the Maillard reaction (a chemical reaction between reducing sugars and amino acids that gives browned foods their suitable flavor) which results in acrylamide (a probable carcinogen to humans) formation. Time and temperature are known determiners for acrylamide formation in foods.
Hence, darkly roasted almonds were found to have a much higher quantity of acrylamide than the lightly roasted ones. The amount of acrylamide that is formed initially after processing was found to reduce over time. It was observed that almonds processed under roasting temperatures of 140 - 180°C led to the accelerated yield of acrylamide.
It is therefore advocated to roast them below 140°C. Also, depending on where the almonds are raised, an article from the 'Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry' in 2005, tells that varieties from Europe have less acrylamide formation potency than those from the U.S., because the asparagine levels in European almonds are much lower.
Roasted Almonds Nutrition Facts
You can roast the almonds in an oven, a microwave, or on a stove as well. These are rich in vitamin E and minerals like manganese and copper. They are packed with magnesium, riboflavin (vitamin B2), and phosphorus.
A one-fourth cup of almonds contains about 18 grams of fat but most of it (11 grams) is heart-healthy monounsaturated fat. The following table elucidates the nutritional profile details of one-fourth cup or 34.50 grams of dry roasted almonds which offer about 206 calories.
Nutrient Amount
Manganese 0.90 mg
Vitamin E 8.97 mg
Magnesium 98.67 mg
Tryptophan 0.07 g
Copper 0.40 mg Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) 0.30 mg
Phosphorus 168.70 mg
100 grams of dry roasted almonds offer: 22.09 grams of proteins 19.29 grams of carbohydrates 52.83 grams of fat 11.8 grams of dietary fiber
One cup of dry roasted almonds (about 138 grams) without salt will offer around 824 calories, and if you want roasted ones with salt, then too you will get almost the same amount of calories. When you roast almonds, the vitamin B content decreases. Here is a simple recipe for those who don't know how to roast these seeds.
Egg white: 1
Whole almonds: 4 cups
White sugar: ½ cup
Cold water: 1 teaspoon
Ground cinnamon: ½ teaspoon
Salt: ¼ teaspoon
Lightly grease a big pan.
Heat the oven to 250°F (120°C).
Beat the egg white. Add water to it and beat until it becomes frothy; however, it should not become stiff.
Add the almonds to this mixture and stir until well-coated.
Sprinkle the mixture of sugar, salt, and cinnamon over the almonds. Toss so that the almonds are well-coated.
6. Spread this mix evenly on the prepared pan. 7. Bake for 1 hour in the preheated oven. 8. Stir occasionally and bake until they turn golden in color. 9. Store the roasted almonds in airtight containers after cooling.
Time Required: 1 hour 15 minutes.
Health Benefits of Almonds
One ounce of almonds can provide 33% of the daily requirement of vitamin E needed by the body. Vitamin E has several benefits, such as it offers a glowing skin, repairs the bruised artery walls, etc.
They are a good source of antioxidants required to prevent chronic diseases like cancer.
They have the ability to counter the bad cholesterol in the body.
These are included in weight loss diets as they are rich in fibers and proteins. They can help you feel fuller for a longer time.
Magnesium present in them helps in facilitating an undisturbed blood circulation. Magnesium deficiency can cause a heart attack.
Potassium helps in maintaining an optimum blood pressure and prevents atherosclerosis.
Regular consumption of roasted almonds helps in enhancing brain power. Riboflavin and L-carnitine present in them helps in improving memory.
They are beneficial for expecting mothers and newborn babies. Folic acid present in them is known to prevent birth defects in infants.
They provide protection against diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.
Apart from being a favorite snack, almonds play a vital role in maintaining good health. So, think no further and fill your pockets with these little delights, right away!
Disclaimer:This story is for informative purposes only and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.