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Does hCG Diet Work

Smita Pandit
Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) is a hormone that is produced by the placenta during pregnancy. This write-up provides some information on the hCG diet.
hCG diet is a weight loss plan that was formulated by Dr. Albert T Simeons in the 1950s. hCG stands for human chorionic gonadotropin. This is a hormone that is produced by the placenta during early pregnancy. It can be detected in a woman's blood about 11 days after conception.
It is also present in the urine 12-14 days after conception. The supporters of this diet suggest that this hormone works directly with the hypothalamus gland and helps in burning the stored body fat at a high rate.
It is believed that when taken in the form of homeopathic drops, sprays, tablets or injections, it can burn the accumulated abnormal fat deposits and facilitate quick weight loss.
Besides taking this hormone in any of the aforementioned forms, one also needs to follow a very low calorie diet. Dieters need to make sure that they consume about 500 calories a day throughout the diet regime. Does hCG diet work, or is it just a hyped fad diet? Let's find out.

hCG for Weight Loss

It is believed that hCG hormone has the ability to extract energy from abnormal fat. People following this diet plan don't experience low energy levels, even though they are on a very low calorie diet. It is also believed that hCG doesn't affect the normal fat cells and targets only the abnormal fat. Can this diet really achieve what it claims to achieve?
First of all, 500 calories a day is a very low calorie intake. Restrictive calorie intake is one factor that needs to be considered. A dieter might experience food cravings due to the restricted calorie intake under this diet program. It will surely affect his/her metabolism.
A low calorie intake could cause a nutritional deficiency. Since the calorie intake has been restricted and the dieters will be eating less, the dieters will shed some fat but one may experience certain side effects.
Women who have been following this diet could experience breast tenderness, depression, blood clotting problems, restlessness, stomach cramps, water retention, or mood swings.
Some women could also develop Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome (OHSS). They might experience symptoms such as breathing difficulty, vomiting, nausea, excess urination, and weight gain.
Both male as well as female dieters may experience side effects such as weakness, nausea, skin rashes, headaches, and water retention. Gynecomastia or glandular enlargement of the male breast is one of the serious side effects in men.
If you are planning to follow this diet, it would be best to go through the reviews to decide for yourself whether this diet is a healthy way to lose weight or not. Not only is this diet based on very low calorie intake, it can also cause side effects. The disadvantages seem to outweigh the advantages.
Even if this diet may induce weight loss, one might regain it. Surely, shedding extra fat is a great for boosting one's confidence, the healthier way to lose weight would be to exercise regularly and follow a healthy diet.
Disclaimer: The information provided here is solely for educating the reader. It is not intended to be a substitute for the advice of a medical expert.