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Does Drinking Tea Cause Iron Deficiency?

Leena Palande
Is it good to enjoy a cup of tea along with every meal? Does drinking tea cause iron deficiency? If these questions are swirling in your mind right now, then you are on the right page. This story tries to explore the relationship between tea and iron levels.
Are you a tea lover? Do you enjoy 5-6 cups of tea every day? The antioxidant properties of bioflavonoids in a tea can be beneficial for your health in various ways; but some of the elements in the tea-leaves can affect your health seriously. Excessive drinking of tea can cause iron deficiency, especially if you are a vegetarian. The following section throws light on tea consumption and iron status of your body.
Tea is one of the most sought after drinks in the world. It is loved for its taste and flavor. Drinking tea helps you get the required energy during the hectic schedule of the day. It also helps you relax after a busy and long working day. Regular consumption of tea increases mental alertness.
It helps increase the rate of metabolism and thus helps lose weight. It helps maintain the level of cholesterol in blood. It protects you not only from cardiovascular diseases but also from diabetes and some types of cancers. Tea helps lower the levels of stress hormones in the body and thus helps fight depression.
It strengthens your immune system and makes your bones stronger. So tea is usually referred to as one of the healthiest beverages around.
But according to some of the study reports released by the "Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics", excessive consumption of tannin through tea can inhibit non-heme iron absorption in your body and can thus lead to iron deficiency.

Impact of Tea on Iron Levels

Tea contains tannins (catechins and bioflavonoids) which carry antioxidant properties and promote weight loss. But these tannins form insoluble bonds with non-heme iron molecules and thus, prevent the absorption of non-heme iron in the body. Several study reports indicate that excessive consumption of tea can seriously affect the process of non-heme iron absorption in your body.
Heme and non-heme are the two forms of dietary iron. You get heme iron from meat and non-heme iron from plant sources. Iron which you get from cereal grains, legumes, dried beans, nuts, tofu, potatoes, raisins, broccoli and other leafy vegetables is termed as non-heme iron.
Although the process of iron absorption depends upon various factors like your overall health and balanced diet; it has been observed that tannins in tea affect the process of absorption of non-heme iron.
Tannins do not inhibit the process of absorption of heme iron. In the presence of tannins, heme iron is absorbed at a rate of 10-30%; while non-heme iron is absorbed at a rate of only 2-10%. Studies show that a cup of tea along with a meal can lower the absorption of non-heme iron by 30-60%.
Vegans and vegetarians are at a greater risk of developing an iron deficiency; if they drink tea along with their breakfast or meals. Those who consume fish or meat occasionally, should check their iron levels regularly and should take proper care to prevent iron deficiency anemia.
Those who are diagnosed with kidney diseases, celiac disease or Crohn's disease, should keep a watch on the blood iron levels. Studies have shown that those who drink tea in between meals or immediately after the meals, usually have low blood iron levels.
Effects of low iron in the body can prove to be devastating, especially for pregnant and breastfeeding women, babies and toddlers, teenage girls and athletes as they need excess iron.
Excessive consumption of tea can prove to be dangerous for those who have already been diagnosed with iron deficiency. On the contrary, it can be helpful for those who are facing the problem of hemochromatosis (too much iron stored in the body).
To have healthy blood iron levels, you need to know foods that inhibit iron absorption and foods that promote iron absorption along with good sources of iron.
Like tannins in tea; soy proteins, calcium, polyphenols and phytates present in legumes and whole grains (in the bran of wheat, oats, corn and other cereals) can also inhibit the process of iron absorption in the body. Over-steeping the tea releases more tannins (resulting in bitter taste).
Avoid drinking over-brewed tea and avoid drinking tea along with meals. Low absorption of non-heme iron depends upon the type of tea you consume. It has been noticed that green tea lowers iron absorption by about 30% while black tea reduces iron absorption by about 60%. Lighter teas, such as, herbal teas have comparatively less amount of tannins per cup.
Increased intake of organic acids like citric acid (orange juice can increase iron absorption by 80%), lactic acid (source - milk), malic acid (source - pumpkin), help increase the absorption of non-heme iron. You may drink herbal tea with a tea-spoon of lemon juice.
If you follow a diet that is rich in iron, then one or two cups of tea daily would not make any difference. But drinking too much of tea during the day can affect the process of absorption of non-heme iron. I hope you found the above information on 'tea and iron levels' helpful.
Iron is a vital mineral as it plays an important role in the formation of healthy blood, transfer of oxygen to body cells and formation of various enzymes. You should plan your diet in such a way that whatever vitamins and minerals you provide regularly, do not get destroyed due to wrong combination of foods and drinks.