Detox diets for weight loss bring about healthy functioning of organs. Here is a sample detox diet for weight loss, just for you.
Diet does not mean going hungry without food. Diet means making a change in your food intake. If you carefully observe your eating patterns, you will realize that we eat more than what our body needs and often we eat the things our body doesn't need. Detox diets are meant to cleanse the body of all the toxins accumulated due to random eating patterns.
Weight loss detox programs, consist of natural food items, which aid in proper functioning of the lymph, kidneys, liver and juices secreted by our body. Following a 10 day strict weight loss detox diet menu will help you to burn some cellulite, reduce bloating and get a glow on your skin.
Food List for Weight Loss Detox Programs
Your detox diet menu is likely to include baskets and baskets of fresh fruits, frozen fruits, canned fruits, and dried fruits in every form!
Apples, bananas, pears, oranges, pineapples, strawberries, grapes, mangoes, guavas, kiwi, raspberries, cranberries and many other fruits are recommended for a detox diet.
For healthy functioning, your body requires liquids. Thus, liquid diets include a lot of fruit juices in your diet. Detox drinks to lose weight also include vegetable juices.
You can make them at home or have the canned ones. However, make sure that you avoid the ones with preservatives, sweeteners and added sugar.
No matter how old we get, we still need to be told the importance of 'green leafy vegetables' in our lives. So, there's no escaping! Include a lot of fresh green leafy veggies in your diet.
Vegetables such as lettuce, carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, salad, tomatoes, spring onions, fenugreek and spinach are some of the vegetables on your priority list if you are planning on starting detox diet for weight loss.
Beans and Lentils
Beans and lentils can be boiled and included in your salads. Kidney beans, black eye, green lentils, pinto beans, chickpeas and mung beans are an essential part of detox diet.
Fresh fish can be included in a detox diet. Cod, mackerel, crab, trout, shark, tuna, prawns and swordfish are best suited for your detox salads.
Other Food Items
Honey, lemon juice, garlic, ginger, olive oil, unsalted nuts, grounded black pepper, herbal teas and lots of water.
Sample Detox Diet for 10 Days
Before you begin with the detox diet for weight loss, have a taste of it. For three days, try living on a liquid diet. This is a water fast. Cut down your physical activities and routine physical stress. Once, you've survived the three day test it's time to begin with the detox diet.
Detox Breakfast
Your detox breakfast will consist of fruits. Have a bowl of fresh fruit, whatever quantity you require to satisfy your hunger. Stick to eating only one fruit in the first week.
Another way of starting your detox diet is to have ginger root tea. Add a few slices of ginger to boiling water and let it simmer for a couple of minutes. Drink it warm. It improves metabolism and burns more calories.
Detox Lunch
For lunch, again have a bowl of whichever fruit you like. Do not mix the fruits. Eat enough, till you've satisfied your hunger.
Another item for detox lunch is boiling a few vegetables and serving them with fresh fish. Add a lot of herbs to your dish to make it a perfect detox dish.
Detox Snack
For a snack, have a glass of carrot juice or whichever juice you like. Having, dry fruits and slices of fresh fruits can also be a part of your detox diet.
Detox Dinner
You can experiment with dinner. You can have herbed salads with fresh fish, bowl of fruits, stew or soup for dinner.
Steamed vegetables is also a great idea for detox dinner. In the first 10 days, you can vary the choice of fruits on a daily basis. But, do not mix the fruits.
Once you have strictly followed the diet for the first 10 days, you can move on to having mixed bowls of fruits, salads and any other raw foods. The first 10 days are especially tough, because your body has to get used to the radical change.
If you don't cheat yourself, at the end of the month, you will feel lighter. As the consumption of oil is zero, your body functions better, which will make you feel fitter. The whole idea of detox diets that are aimed at weight loss is to eat as many natural food items as possible to maintain a fit body naturally.