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Dark Chocolate Health Benefits

Rimlee Bhuyan
Who can resist a piece of sweet, rich and indulgent chocolate? The seemingly sinful dark chocolate which we always link with guilty pleasures, can actually be quite good for your health. Read on to know more about the health benefits of dark chocolate.
Chocolate is made from cocoa beans, which grow on cocoa trees and require a tropical humid climate for its growth. There are three major varieties of cocoa beans that are cultivated throughout the world. They are criollo, trinitario and forastero, of which forastero is most widely cultivated.
The cocoa beans are first crushed and then fermented for about a week, outdoors. After the fermentation process the beans are dried in the sun for a week and then it is roasted in huge revolving drums at a temperature of above 350 degree centigrade.
Thereafter, the outer shells of the beans are removed. The inner nib is heated, melting the cocoa butter, which is then ground to a smooth paste called chocolate liquor.
Dark chocolate is made by combining chocolate liquor with sugar and cocoa butter. Milk chocolate is made by adding milk solids to the chocolate liquor along with sugar and cocoa butter. Dark chocolate has a higher cocoa percentage than milk chocolate, and research has shown that there are many health benefits of dark chocolate.
Here we will take a look at some of the benefits of having dark chocolate.

Healthy Heart

Recent research has shown that there are various nutritional benefits of dark chocolates, the most important of which is related to cardiovascular health. Dark chocolate contains antioxidant flavonoids called flavanols, which is also found in some fruits and vegetables like berries, tomatoes, soybeans, green tea and red wine.
The good news is, the percentage of flavanols present in dark chocolates is much higher, and they are very important to heart health as they deactivate free radicals. Free radicals increase the amount of bad cholesterol present in your blood, leading to clogged arteries.
Flavanols, stimulate the production of nitric oxide, inside artery walls which in turn helps in relaxing the arteries, allowing easy flow of blood.

Reducing High Blood Pressure and Cholesterol

It has been discovered that having a bit of dark chocolate regularly can help in regulating blood pressure and reducing cholesterol levels. As mentioned earlier, chocolate stimulate the production of nitric oxide. Nitric oxide helps in dilating and relaxing the blood vessels, which allows blood to flow freely through them, thereby reducing blood pressure.
However, it should be noted that dark chocolate consumption should be done in moderation, because chocolates are high in saturated fat and calories. Dark chocolates also prevent the buildup of plaque in arteries which causes blockage, which can lead to heart attack and stroke.

Regulation of Blood Sugar

Unlike other sweets and candies, dark chocolate has a low glycemic index. This means that eating dark chocolate causes a slow release of blood sugar in your blood stream, preventing a sudden hike in blood sugar followed by a crash.
The antioxidants present in dark chocolate helps in improving the body's sensitivity to insulin. For people with a high risk of diabetes, the flavonoids help to regulate blood sugar levels.

Feel Good Factor

There are certain compounds in dark chocolate that enhance our mood and induces pleasure. It contains theobromine which is a natural stimulant and is much milder than caffeine found in coffee. Dark chocolate promotes the production of endorphins and other neurochemicals in the brain.
All these neurochemicals help to induce a sense of euphoria in a person, thereby uplifting his/her mood. Dark chocolate also contain serotonin, which acts as an antidepressant. It has been found that consuming about ten grams of dark chocolate a day for three weeks helps in reducing stress hormone levels in a person.
These were some health benefits of dark chocolate. Besides the benefits listed above, flavanols present in dark chocolates helps in keeping skin smooth and healthy by increasing blood flow and absorbing UV light. However, you need to keep in mind that chocolates are a high source of calories and unsaturated fats, and so its consumption should be limited.
Dark chocolates should be a part of a balanced diet that contains an assortment of flavonoid-rich food like green tea, tomatoes and berries. Dark chocolate health benefits have made it possible for chocolate lovers to indulge in their sweet tooth without any feelings of guilt.