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Consistent Carbohydrate Diet

Sujata Iyer
A consistent carbohydrate diet is proving to be a much better alternative to the numerous diabetic diets that have been proposed and followed. Find out how and why, in this write-up.
For anyone who's been diagnosed with diabetes, watching their diet is the most important factor that influences the level of blood sugar. The blood of people with diabetes has trouble maintaining the level of insulin (which helps absorption and storage of carbohydrate).
Due to this impairment, the level of glucose in the blood could either go very high or very low. Both are dangerous situations and need to be treated mainly by altering one's diet. Watching a diabetic person's diet was considered to be synonymous with eliminating all the items that contained traces of 'sugar' in them.
Due to glucose being assumed to mean only sugar, this can sometimes go dangerously wrong. This is because it is actually the level of starch that one intakes too, which affects the level of blood sugar. Hence, the adoption of a diet consistent in carbs seems like the best idea. Further give you details about what exactly this diet is all about.

What is a Consistent Carbohydrate Diet

As the name very evidently suggests, it is a diet that involves the maintenance of a consistency in the level of carbohydrates that are included in a person's diet, especially a diabetic person's.
The fundamental point of a this diet is not to eradicate nutrients from a diet, but to just maintain an appropriate level of the one nutrient that is very influential in a diabetic person's daily life: carbohydrate. In this diet, you will find that you are advised to follow a very systematic plan of controlling carbohydrate level that you intake.

How Does the Diet Work

Since carbohydrates are counted in grams, the level of carbohydrate that you are allowed to consume is also measured in grams. The total amount of carbohydrates that you can consume, when following this diet plan is somewhere between 180-200 grams.
And since the objective of this diet is to maintain a consistent balance of the carbohydrate, you need to spread these 180 gram of carbs over the three important meals in your day: breakfast, lunch and dinner. So, this means that you need to eat foods that contain only 60 grams of carbohydrate, per meal.
You may or may not be permitted to indulge in snacking when on this diet. If you are, then the intermittent snacks should not exceed 15 grams of carbohydrate each.

What You can Eat

As mentioned earlier, this diet does not involve the elimination of any particular food item. All you have to do is maintain the 60 grams of carbohydrate per meal. This means you can eat anything that you want, as long as one meal portion does not have more than the stipulated amount of carbohydrate.
In order to do this, you need to be very careful with the measurements of the number of carbohydrate grams. When you plan your meal, first count off the number of grams of carbohydrate in them by using the nutritional information section of the food item's package. This information needs to be present on it law.
But if for some reason you cannot access it, you can read books or search online for this information. According to the number of grams of carbohydrate mentioned on the pack, you need to decide how many servings of it you'll be taking.
If it exceeds 60 grams (highly unlikely) in one meal, then make sure you don't, even by mistake intake any other item with even a single gram more in the same meal. So, fruits, vegetables, meats, even dessert can be eaten, provided this level is maintained.

Tips to follow When on this Diet

  • Make sure you strictly follow the diet plan given to you by your doctor.
  • Take extra precautions with the measurements that you take of the grams of carbohydrate.
  • Do NOT eat between meals if you've been advised not to.
  • Also, do NOT skip meals and assume that you can include the remaining amount of carbohydrate in the next meal. The whole point of the diet will be lost, not to mention you could be severely affected by it.
  • When you take a serving, level the dollop of the food item at the cup of the ladle. Don't let it go above the cup level. More food equals more carbs. 
The consistent carbohydrate diet is very useful in controlling and regulating the level of the blood sugar, but only when you abide by it stringently. Discipline yourself and you'll be able to take on this diet effectively. It's a small price to pay for a healthy life, isn't it?