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Colon Cleansing Diet Menu

Naomi Sarah
A colon cleansing diet menu plan, that will help you cleanse your system of impurities and toxins, is what you will find here. It'll detox your digestive organs, and prove to be your gateway to a system that is well-balanced...
The colon in our digestive system needs to undergo a major cleaning operation every once in a while, to eliminate the presence of harmful wastes that are deposited in the colon. It works better when it is clean, and is rid of all that makes it hinder our digestive system from managing the digestion process.
It prevents constipation above all, from taking place and curbs health problems like muscle and joint pain, fatigue, depression, skin problems and even making your nails shinier and less brittle.
There are certain foods that you must eat during the detox diet plan, that houses the colon cleansing method, with certain foods that you need to avoid as part of a specially designed diet. With this regimen of a colon cleansing diet menu, you'll be on your way to living a healthy lifestyle, not to mention look fit as time elapses.
Remember to also consult a physician / dietitian who can advise you on how to do this diet, but if you think you can start it off safely on your own, then go ahead with a colon cleansing diet plan.

Colon Cleansing Foods

Detoxification of the body cannot be done by starving oneself, or living on water alone, since one experiences nausea and severe headaches from poisons that pass out of the system rapidly. Models usually do the colon cleanse diet, to shed pounds in a healthy way, maintaining that physique they require.
It not only helps one lose weight but cuts down on cellulite, reduces body odor, promoting a flawless clean complexion, while also making your hair strong and healthy. Here's a list of foods that you can and cannot eat during the detox diet.
Foods to Avoid
  • Sour cream
  • Ice cream / frozen yogurt (even ordinary yogurt)
  • Milk
  • Butter
  • High-fructose corn syrup
  • Tofu
  • Yeast
  • Artificial sweeteners
  • Gluten based grains
  • Caffeinated drinks like tea, coffee, and diet drinks
  • Shellfish
  • Teriyaki sauce / ketchup / barbecue sauce / soy sauce / any other kind of bottled sauce
  • Foods with preservations / additives
  • Pork
  • Tempeh
  • Brown sugar
  • Veal
  • Hotdogs
  • Cheese
  • Refined sugar
  • Soy protein powder
  • Cold cuts
  • Alcohol
  • Margarine
  • Beef
Here's giving you a list of the colon cleansing foods that you'll need to incorporate within your detox diet plan, to get the maximum benefits as part of the colon cleansing diet.
  • Brown rice
  • Wild rice
  • Broccoli
  • Kelp
  • Goji berries
  • Fresh fruit
  • Quinoa
  • Oats
  • Whole grains
  • Seeds
  • Nuts like cashews, peanuts, walnuts and almonds (unsalted / not flavored)
  • Sesame oil
  • Flax oil
  • Lentils
  • Garlic
  • Bell peppers
  • Cauliflower
  • Potatoes (baked / poached)
  • Swiss chard
  • Artichokes
  • Tomatoes
  • Beets
  • Green peas
  • Young coconuts
  • Adzuki beans
  • Tahini

Colon Cleansing Diet Plan

Like the lemon cayenne pepper maple syrup detox plan of the Master Cleanse diet, this aids in targeting your colon, to mend digestive organ damages, that impair its main function of digestion. Here's how to get started on the diet plan. You need to have broths frequently, water and juice primarily, and leave out the foods that you cannot consume while on this diet.
Use bentonite, to clean out the colon effectively while on the diet, since it leaves colon walls glistening clean and free from toxins. This diet shouldn't prolong a period of seven days, where one needs to ideally go back to their normal way of eating right after the diet is over. Although the diet does leave you feeling slightly dizzy sometimes and hungry, it'll benefit you to stay self-controlled for just a week during the detox diet menu plan.


Breakfast starts with fresh fruits, that can include the fruit's skin for fiber. You can make juice, blending in fruits that you like, and drinking it during the day. Take bentonite or psyllium seeds, and drink plenty of water throughout the day.


A good helping of salad - eliminating salad dressing, and anything that comes in packaged form. A good salad recipe that I think you'll particularly like is given below.
What You'll Need
  • Lettuce leaves (four long pieces)
  • Black / green olives (sliced, half cup)
  • ½ a cup of blanched broccoli
  • Julienned carrot (raw, one)
  • Julienned capsicum (half)
  • 1 sliced cucumber
  • Half a spring onion
  • Two tablespoons of green peas
  • Garlic shavings (four pods)
  • Sesame seed oil (two tablespoons)
  • Parsley (half cup)
  • Salt to taste (adjust according to taste)
Take a nice big bowl and mix in your ingredients, tossing all of it until they're nicely coated in each others flavors. Lastly, you need to add sesame seed oil, lemon juice and salt. Toss it about till all of it is glazed with the oil and salt. Balance the flavor, by adding extra salt if you need. There you have it, a healthy bowl of greens and essential vitamins that will aid your digestive system.


For dinner, you can prepare a nice, easy vegetable soup by throwing in any veggies, making a nice stew-like concoction with salt and spices.
With this colon cleansing diet plan, you can be sure to experience a whole new you in just seven days. Like I said before, don't push this diet for a longer time frame, as the system can portray some adverse effects in not being given whole meal food for so long.
Slowly shift to a good healthy balanced diet, but eliminate items that contain additives in them. Have a healthy tomorrow.