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Cod Liver Oil Dosage

Parashar Joshi
Cod liver oil is known to offer many health benefits. Here is some useful information regarding its dosage for both kids and adults. Read ahead to know more.
Most of us must have seen our grandfather's medicine cabinet stocked with a variety of strange-looking bottles, tonics, capsules, and pills. A regular resident of this medicine cabinet happened to be a small brown-colored bottle of Seven Seas cod liver oil capsules.
These jelly-like capsules are known to have quite a few health benefits. As the name suggests, this essential oil is extracted from the livers of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) and is commonly taken as a dietary supplement. It is one of the best sources of omega-3 fatty acids and is extremely rich in vitamin A and D.

Some Brief Facts

➜ The first documented medical use of cod liver oil was in 1789 when Dr. Darbey of the Manchester Infirmary (England) used it to treat rheumatism.

➜ It was widely used in the 18th, 19th, and 20th centuries to treat and prevent rickets (a disease characterized by faulty bone growth caused due to the lack of vitamin D).
➜ By the 1930s, the therapeutic properties of this oil were well-established, and it was frequently given to children to help prevent rickets and other ailments caused by vitamin D deficiency.
➜ In the 1950s, more research was carried out on the essential fatty acids eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) contained in cod liver oil and other oily fish. This research has led to conclude that cod liver oil is not only beneficial for rheumatism but even for the heart and circulatory system.
Now, let us have a look at a few points regarding the recommended dosage of this wonder oil, followed by the advantages of the same.

Recommended Dosage

As is it rightly said that excess of anything is not good. Although cod liver oil offers a lot of health benefits, care should be taken to ensure that it is consumed in moderation. Otherwise, it can lead to an overdose of omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin A and D, which can have adverse effects on the health and well-being of a person.
Adults are generally advised to consume not more than a maximum of two teaspoonfuls of this oil per day. For children, the appropriate dosage can be one teaspoonful of this oil, up to a maximum of one and a half teaspoonful. Pregnant women, and people who are on prescription medicines should always check with their doctors regarding the appropriate dosage.

Health Benefits

➜ It is a well-known fact that fish oil and in particular cod liver oil is a rich source of vitamin D. Vitamin D is very important for bone development in young and growing children. Therefore, cod liver oil capsules are generally given to young children so as to ensure strong bone structure and development and to protect them from diseases such as rickets.
➜ Vitamin A, in addition to numerous other health benefits, is responsible for the development of a strong immune system, good night vision, healthy skin, cellular growth, etc. This essential oil is a rich source of vitamin A, and it makes for a good nutritional supplement pertaining to this vitamin.
➜ A significant ingredient of cod liver oil happens to be omega-3 essential fatty acids, which are said to be very good for the heart. They decrease the inflammation within the body and also lower triglyceride levels and cholesterol levels and can thereby reduce the chances of coronary heart disease.
➜ This oil is also beneficial in preventing the formation of blood clots and in treating high blood pressure (by lowering blood pressure levels).
➜ Due to its high content of omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D, it is also used to treat certain forms of arthritis. At the same time, this oil also helps in treating depression, anxiety, sleep disorders, mood swings, bipolar disorder symptoms, etc.
Hoping that this information has given you a satisfactory answer to your query. The trick is to never overdo anything just because it has numerous benefits attached. Take care!
Disclaimer: This is for informative purposes only and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.