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Coconut Oil for Weight Loss

Scholasticus K
In this world of health conscious people, everybody is looking for many measures and remedies to lose weight and have the perfect figure. Men and women alike have started taking up activities like dieting, heavy workouts, etc., in order to try and lose weight. An unusual, but rather effective, remedy is using coconut oil for weight loss.
If you tell anyone that coconut oil helps in losing weight, you are going to get a variety of expressions and responses, like 'what! 'are you crazy?' or even 'man, you are out of your mind!'. Have a very good laugh at them, at the time, for I am about to reveal a secret to you ...

Role of Fats in Metabolism

Have you ever wondered why your body needs fat? The basic function of fats in the human body is to aid the production of omega-3 essential fatty acids, hormones, and cellular membranes. In short, just like carbohydrates, fats are also required for many important bodily functions.
There is a very common misconception in the minds of the people regarding fats and their different effects. The types of hydrogenated fats are the ones that generally add to your weight and make you look fat or obese. Many scientists have advocated the use of coconut oil and a balanced intake of nutrients for a healthy body.

Benefits of Coconut Oil

The best way to use this oil is to simply use it in foods. Here's how coconut oil works for losing weight in a natural way.
As mentioned above, your body needs an appropriate amount of fat. This fat is needed to execute some very important functions, that are listed down below.
  • Help the respiratory system to burn the calories that are deposited throughout the body.
  • Produce hormones and cellular membranes.
  • Properly absorb and assimilate all the minerals that enter the body.
  • Absorb and assimilate all fat soluble vitamins, like vitamin A and D.
  • Enhance the metabolism of the body.
Coconut oil is basically a source non-hydrogenated fats. Hence, if the intake of the hydrogenated fats is substituted with it, then the functions of the fats are fulfilled by non-hydrogenated fat. Another very good advantage of consuming it, is that it enhances the metabolism rate of the body.
This means that your body will burn up energy when you workout. Thus, in the process of metabolism, the excess fat that is stored away in the body is burned away.
If you start dieting and cut off the supply of essential fats to the body, then your body starts craving for fat sources. This can be extremely dangerous as the functions of fat would go unfulfilled, disturbing the processes in your body.
However, if you consume coconut oil, then you will have a very good and balanced supply of fat for your bodily functions. The consumption also reduces down the cravings of the body.
Hence, let us conclude by saying that using this versatile oil can prove beneficial because, it reduces food cravings, performs the needed functions and helps the body to burn unwanted and excessive fat.
Disclaimer: This story is for informative purposes only and does not in any way attempt to replace the advice offered by an expert on the subject.