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Benefits of Coconut Butter

Bidisha Mukherjee
Read on to know more about the different coconut butter benefits.
Coconut butter is made from the meat of the coconut. It has a slightly different texture than peanut butter. Remember that it is not the solidified form of coconut oil. The oil and the butter are made differently. The latter is derived from dried or fresh copra or fleshy part of this fruit.
Firstly, it is shredded and cleaned to get rid of any unwanted particles. Then, it is steamed at about 220°F for half an hour. The processed pulp is then put into an expeller, and pressure is exerted upon it mechanically for extraction of oil.
The product thus obtained is filtered and packed in bottles. It contains a lot of nutrients and is very sweet to taste. Here, you will come across some coconut butter benefits.

Health Benefits

The nutritional components and the medicinal properties of the butter are almost the same as that of the oil. Therefore, their advantages are almost same too. Like the oil, the butter too, can be safely used, both internally and externally.
Ninety percent of the butter is saturated fat. It also contains a number of fatty acids that include auric acid, myristic acid, palmitic acid, etc. Some key benefits are discussed here.


It has excellent skin moisturizing properties and is suitable for all types of skin. It improves the skin condition of dry, flaky skin and makes it soft and glowing. It has antioxidant properties that prevents the degeneration of the skin.
It delays the process of skin aging and other problems associated with it, such as wrinkles and sagging skin. It can effectively treat a number of skin conditions, such as eczema psoriasis, dermatitis, etc. It is widely used as ingredients in soaps, lotions, creams, and various other skin care products.


It contains a high amount of essential proteins that promotes the growth of healthy hair. It acts as a hair conditioner and provides nourishment to dull, damaged hair. It protects the hair from harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation and helps maintain a shine.
When it is massaged well into the scalp, it helps to control dandruff really well. It can be used to eliminate head lice and lice eggs too.


If it is used for cooking purpose, then the short and medium chain fatty acids present in it facilitates weight loss. It increases the rate of metabolism in the body and burns out the extra calories from the body and reduces fat.
Moreover, when consumed, it is readily converted into energy, and thus, it prevents any further accumulation of fat in the body.


It is a rich source of lauric acid. This particular component has an amazing antifungal, antiviral, and antibacterial properties. This boosts up the immune system and helps it to fight off various forms of infections. Thus, it protects you from various diseases caused due to bacterial, fungal or viral attack.


It brings about marked improvement in the overall digestive health. The anti-microbial properties of its components destroy bacteria, fungi, and parasites that are responsible for causing indigestion. It also facilitates better absorption of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and other nutrients and make you healthy and stronger.


It is good for diabetic patients. It promotes the secretion of insulin, which in turn, helps in controlling blood sugar. It stimulates the functioning of vital glands, including the thyroid and pancreas. It possesses amazing healing qualities.
When it is applied on a wound or skin infection, then it forms a protective layer and prevents any further damage to the affected tissue. For this reason, it is used for treating herpes, ringworm, urinary tract infections, Athlete's foot, and so on.
In tropical countries, coconut butter is rarely found, and the coconut oil is more readily available. Those who live in these regions can use it instead of the butter.
Disclaimer: Information here should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.