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Clear Liquid Diet

Ajanta Bhattacharyya
If you're contemplating on giving rest to your stomach or intestines for sometime, then you should seriously consider going on a clear liquid diet. This Story provides exhaustive information about this all fluid diet.
A clear liquid diet consists of pellucid liquids/foods that turn to liquids at room temperature. It is generally recommended to provide rest to your gastrointestinal tract prior to a test such as colonoscopy, or to combat digestive problems such as nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea.
This diet does not provide all the nutrients, vitamins, and minerals needed by your body. However, it keeps the body hydrated and provides a part of the calories you need until you start eating solid foods. It also provides some important electrolytes such as sodium and potassium.
This diet includes foods such as meat soup, vegetable soup, bouillon, fresh fruit juices, clear fruit ices, popsicles, white gelatin desserts, clear carbonated drinks, etc. As it doesn't meet the nutritional demands of the body, it is always recommended for a short-term period only.

Recommended Foods

  • Fat-free chicken soup with less amount of sodium
  • Fat-free clear beef soup
  • Fat-free vegetable broth
  • Coffee
  • Tea
  • Lactose-free water
  • Fresh fruit juices with no pulp
  • Certain soft drinks
Sweets and Desserts
  • Gelatin
  • Fresh hard candies
  • Popsicles
  • Honey

Suggested Diet Plan

  • Fruit juice: 1 cup
  • Herbal tea with honey: 1 cup
  • Gelatin: 1 bowlWord of Caution
Afternoon Snack
  • Popsicle: 1
  • Water: 1 glass
  • Beef broth: 1 bowl
  • Grape juice: 1 cup
  • Orange gelatin: 1 bowl
Evening Snack
  • Ice pop, without fruit pulp: 1
  • Soft drink: 1 cup
  • Chicken broth: 1 cup
  • Flavored gelatin: 1 dish
  • Juice/water: 1 cup

Word of Caution

This liquid diet is often prescribed to a person before undergoing any tests as it helps in clearing the bowels. Therefore, it is suggested to not purchase red/purple-colored gelatin, popsicles, and other drinks. This is because these may leave a residue in your bowel that is similar to blood, and may result in faulty diagnosis of a disease.
Key Pointers
  • Approach a doctor and make a list according to his/her instructions.
  • Drink white apple juice or grape juice without the pulp.
  • Avoid the intake of alcoholic beverages.
  • Drink broth that has no solid particles.
  • You may add lemon or lime-flavored gelatin to your diet.
  • Avoid all kinds of dairy products, meats, and vegetables.
This prescribed selection of foods may help you feel better until you are able to consume solid foods. However, before starting it, you should consult your dietitian, nutritionist, or doctor about what to consume and what to avoid. Apart from its certain therapeutic applications, this liquid diet can also be prescribed for a person suffering from obesity as the fat content is zero. It is often advised that a person should depend on this sort of a diet for not more than four or five days.
Disclaimer: This Story is for informative purposes only and does not in any way attempt to replace the advice offered by an expert on the subject.