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Using Chia Seeds to Improve Running

Shashank Nakate
The Story presents information about the usefulness of chia seeds to enhance running. Mechanism of action of these seeds in our body, the benefits offered and procedure of preparation of a simple chia drink are the topics covered in this article.
The chia is a flowering plant with botanical name, Salvia hispanica. This plant is native to Guatemala and south Mexico. In the pre-Columbian times, chia plant was cultivated by the Aztecs of this region. Even today, the seeds (whole) of this plant are used as foods and in the preparation of nutritional drinks.
The commercial cultivation of these plants for obtaining seeds is done in Australia and South America. Nutrients found in the seeds are considered to be important for runners.
The useful points which explain the importance of chia seeds for runners are presented below. There are many health benefits of these seeds which make this plant very useful. The benefits offered by chia seeds makes the runners strong enough to sustain long races.

Mechanism of Action of Chia Seeds

Chia seeds help in slowing down the metabolism of carbohydrates. It helps to sustain in a demanding sport like running. With this athletes don't suffer from energy crashes and thereby perform well without being drained out.
Let us understand the usefulness of chia seeds on the body through the points mentioned below. The nutritional value presented in this article should help us understand why chia seeds are useful for improving the performance of athletes, especially that of runners.

High Degree of Water Retention

The hydrophilic nature of chia seeds proves to be instrumental in retaining water to a high degree. These seeds can absorb as much as 12 times more water than their actual weight. The prolonged hydration which results from this water absorption/retention is useful in the running activity.

Gummy Fibers in Chia

The chia seeds when mixed in water result into the formation of gel-like substance which when ingested is useful for slowing down the carbohydrate metabolism. This gel-like substance creates a barrier between the digestive enzymes and carbohydrates.
The process of digestion in which carbohydrates are converted into sugar therefore, slows down. As a result of this slow conversion endurance while running is enhanced. Metabolic changes which take place in the body are to some extent regulated and has prolonged effects on the body.

Regulation of Nutrient Absorption

The regulation of absorption of nutrients is an important function that chia seeds perform. These seeds also help in retaining moisture. These functions displayed by chia seeds help in maintaining balance of electrolytes in the body. Running races, especially the marathons require players to maintain the body electrolyte balance in order to sustain the race.

Essential Fatty Acids

The essential fatty acids present in chia seeds cannot be prepared by our body. It is therefore, necessary to consume these seeds to externally obtain these fatty acids. Part of the omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids present in these seeds are important for the body to function properly.

Preparing a Chia Seed Drink

A simple drink with water, orange juice and chia seeds can be prepared at home. To prepare a pint of this drink 2 tbsp of seeds need to be used. Mix 2 tbsp of seeds with water in a pint glass that is filled half to its capacity.
The seeds have to be mixed properly in order to create a gel-like solution. Keep the solution undisturbed for 5-10 minutes and then add orange juice to this to top up the glass completely. The orange juice is added to give a nice flavor to this drink.
The benefits mentioned above make chia seeds an excellent food choice to improve the endurance and enhance the performance of runners and athletes. Therefore, they should try and include these seeds in their diet.