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Calories in White Wine

Madhura Panse
This story will enlighten you about white wine, and also provide you an overview of the amount of calories that this drink contains.
Wine, considered a drink of the gods, makes its presence felt at beautifully arranged tables with absolutely great food, all amidst the swirl of grandeur of great company and music. Such must be the feast to the senses and a rich palate whilst enjoying wine.
A lot of people, especially the gentler sex, want to be on the slighter side - not so much with their tongues relentlessly wagging after a few glasses - but, certainly, in deference to their physique. They're most concerned with keeping their silhouettes looking rather trim for an approved staring eye to easily follow the contours of it.
So, do you also feel immensely concerned about the calories in white wine whilst you drink it, and are preoccupied with these thoughts? Do you wonder whether the amount of calories would eventually make you fat? Reading through this article will ease out the uncomfortable burden of these questions by making some facts fairly clear.
To begin with, how your body gets fat and unhealthy depends entirely upon how much of saturated fat (trans fat and dietary cholesterol) and unsaturated fat (metabolized fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K and hence essential) there is in what you eat or drink. Eating too much of saturated fat is what you have to be careful with. So don't worry about wine calories, as they don't have saturated fat at all.
The term 'calories' means energy that you derive from the foods you eat or the drinks you drink. They are the fuel your body needs. It is not equivalent to just the amounts of fat; which simply means that not all foods of a high calorific content are bound to make you fat. You just have to make sure you don't consume too much of saturated fat.

White Wine Calories

Usually, a unit is 8g of alcohol (around 175 ml of a standard glass of wine). One gram of alcohol is equivalent to 7 calories. Calories in white wine depend upon the make. They're usually from 120 kCal to 133 kCal depending upon the wine. There is no percentage of fat in a bottle and the calories in a of wine glass are minuscule.
Wine Calories in 115ml Large Glass
Dry White wine 77 calories 154 calories
Sweet White Wine 103 calories 206 calories
Chardonnay (pronounced as 'shar-doe-nay')
The amount of calories in Chardonnay per serving are 174 kCal.
Carbohydrates = 6g (100% Carbs)
Proteins = 0g (0% Protein)
Fats = 0g (0% Fat)
Chardonnay, which has originated in the Burgundy region of France, also produced in England and New Zealand, is of a very heartily earthy flavor and one of the most popular sparkling white wines. Chardonnay is mainly golden and velveteen with notes of fruity flavors, vanilla, nuts, oak, or spice. It can be a little acidic.
Sauvignon Blanc (pronounced as 'saw-veen-yon blonc')
The amount of calories in Sauvignon Blanc, per serving, are 121 kCal.
Carbohydrates = 3.01g (10% Carb)
Proteins = 0.1g (90% Protein)
Fats = 0g (0% Fats)
Sauvignon Blanc is a delicately flavored wine that originated in the Bordeaux region of France.
Semillon (pronounced as 'seh-mee-yaw')
The amount of calories in Semillon per serving are 122 kCal.
Carbohydrates = 4.59g (15% Carb)
Proteins = 0.1g (85% Protein)
Fats= 0g (0% Fat)
Semillon mainly comes from Bordeaux in France, but is also cultivated in Australia. This white wine has a heavy, almost oily texture.
Muscat (pronounced as 'moo-ska')
The amount of calories in Muscat, per serving, are 124 kCal.
Carbohydrates = 7.84g (25% Carb)
Proteins = 0.1g (75% Protein)
Fats = 0g (0% Fat)
Muscat can be either pungently floral, or sweet and spicy in its flavor. It comes from Northern Italy. This white wine is usually light in form and sweet with the flavors of honeysuckle and apricot.
Gewurztraminer (pronounced as 'geh-verts-trah-mee-nar')
The amount of calories in Gewurztraminer, per serving, are 125 kCal.
Carbohydrates = 3.82g (12% Carb)
Proteins= 0.1g (88% Protein)
Fats= 0g (0% Fat)
Gewurztraminer is made in countries like Austria, Germany, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Ukraine, and Romania, as their climate favors the growth of its grapes. This white wine, which is tinged anywhere from copper, gold to peach is a bit more robustly flavored: pungent and spicy.
Riesling (pronounced as 'reez-ling')
The amount of calories in Riesling per serving are 120kCal.
Carbohydrates = 5.54g (12% Carb)
Proteins= 0.1g (82% Protein)
Fats = 0g (0% Fat)
Riesling is a delicately flavored German wine made from grapes of the Rhine and Mosel.

Effects of Excess Consumption

Hopefully, your doubt, as to how many calories in white wine there are, has been cleared and you might have noticed all these white wines have 0% fat in them. However, do remember, that the liver plays a vital role in breaking down the enzymes of alcohol and also metabolizing/synthesizing the fats in your body.
What happens when you drink a lot of white wine is that, unlike foods which require time for digestion, alcohol needs none of this and is rapidly absorbed into your body. The heavy alcohol, swimming in your blood makes its way to your liver and affects its every cell.
The liver keeps aside its normal activity of metabolizing your fatty acids and lets them pile up in your body, unless you give it a break - which simply means that as long as your body is taxed with alcohol, it won't burn any fat!
Your liver cell structure may permanently change and won't function at its optimum, making you look fat and puffy if you've taken to loving the bottle too much.


There are a lot of benefits of drinking white wine in moderation. It helps reduce risks of heart diseases by improving heart function, and prevents arteries from getting blocked with the help of the antioxidants (trysol and hydroxytrosol) it contains.
It also reduces the blood pressure. It can reduce your risks at having cancer. According to a study, the diet of people who drink wine has been found out to be healthier to those who drink beer.
Now that you're quite clear with the amount of calories in white wine, and even that though there are no fats, the next time, instead of over-indulging and blurting out a boisterous "Bottoms up and belt it down!" straight before your second bottle, you'll be more aware and, hopefully, be just as happy saying a genially gratified and polite "Chin-chin!"
As William Shakespeare has put it - "Good wine is a good familiar creature if it be well used."
Disclaimer: This story is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.