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Calories in Wheat Germ

Leena Palande
Wheat germ is the most nutritious part of a wheat kernel, and it is easily available in all health food stores. The calories in wheat germs are explained in this story. Read on to know why wheat germ is considered a healthy food.
Wheat germ is the tiny reproductive part of a wheat kernel, that germinates (sprouts) and forms a wheat plant. It occupies about 2.5% of the kernel or wheat grain. Since wheat germ is the part which forms wheat grass, it is the most nutritious part of the wheat kernel (wheat berry).
No other vegetable or grain contains as many nutrients (about 23 nutrients) per ounce as wheat germ. Whole wheat flour contains wheat germ. Raw or toasted wheat germ flakes, wheat germ oil, and white flour or cereals fortified with wheat germ are available in the market.

Wheat Germ Calories

According to the USDA National Nutrient Database,
  • 100 g of crude wheat germ contains 360 calories.
  • 1 cup or about 115 g of crude wheat germ contains 414 calories.
  • 100 g of plain, toasted wheat germ cereal comes with 382 calories.
  • 1 cup or 113 g of plain but toasted wheat germ, in the form of ready to eat cereal, provides 432 calories.
  • 1.67 tablespoon (14g) of regular wheat germ in the form of ready to eat cereal, produced by Quaker, Kretschmer, contains 51 calories.
  • 100 g of the above cereal contains 366 calories.
  • If you are interested in knowing calories in Honey Crunch Wheat Germ Cereal, produced by Quaker, Kretschmer, then here is the information. 100 g of it comes with 372 calories while 1.67 tablespoon (14g) of it contains 52 calories.

Nutritional Facts and Health Benefits of Wheat Germ

You might be perhaps surprised to know that wheat germ contains more protein than meat. So it can be considered a good source of proteins for vegetarians. It is packed with omega-3 fatty acids and phytosterol, which help lower blood cholesterol levels and thus help reduce the chances of heart diseases.
Both these nutrients help lower blood pressure levels too. This in turn, helps improve your mental and physical health.
Wheat germ is high in carbohydrates and can boost your energy levels. It is rich in dietary fiber, which helps improve your digestive health. It is loaded with various vitamins like B vitamins, vitamin E, and minerals like calcium, zinc, and magnesium; which strengthen your immune system and enhance the functions of all the bodily systems.
The vitamins and minerals offer you glowing skin and shiny hair. They help maintain the health of the organs and muscles.
You should add some wheat germ to cake batter or bread batter or even to spicy meat dishes. You can add it to yogurt, eggs or vegetables too. You can serve salads after sprinkling some wheat germ on them. You can add it to hot oatmeal cereal as well.
This will increase the nutritional value of the dish. Wheat germ helps improve endurance levels of athletes. It assures improved cardiovascular functioning, and thus helps improve the performance of an athlete.
Wheat germ is consumed in small quantities. It is so nutritious that you need not worry about the calories it contains. But some people cannot tolerate gluten from wheat. Ground flax seed or almond meal or bran or oatmeal can be used as a substitute for wheat germ.
They all are rich in nutrients just like wheat germ. You can replace wheat germ with almond meal in both savory and spicy foods.
Wheat germ is low in sugar and fat. It is cholesterol free. So the calories in wheat germ are considered as healthy calories. You are expected to store the wheat germ pack in the refrigerator. Make sure that you choose a wheat germ obtained from certified organic wheat.