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Calories in Roasted Almonds

Leena Palande
While I love dry roasted almonds, my kids always demand honey roasted almonds. If you also prefer eating roasted almonds as a healthy snack, then scroll down to know the nutrients and calories in roasted almonds. This story presents information on health benefits of almonds too.
Many people incorporate low calorie healthy foods in the menu and plan their meals in a perfect way. But when it comes to planning snacks, they give up. Oven roasted salty or sugary almonds make a great snack for both adults and children alike. Blanched almonds are used in various recipes, especially in savory desserts.
But you don't have to remove the skin of the almonds if you want to roast them. Roasted almonds contain more fiber than blanched almonds. You can enjoy dry roasted almonds or oil roasted almonds too. The calories in roasted almonds may vary according to the method of preparation and the ingredients used.

Roasted Almonds

You can roast almonds in various ways. You can toss the almonds (500 g) with a little bit (1 tbsp) of extra virgin olive oil, salt and paprika. Then you can spread the almonds evenly on a prepared pan. You are expected to roast the almonds in the oven at 325°F / 160°C. They look light brown and become fragrant after 10 - 15 minutes.
Almond skins may appear slightly split. You can store the roasted almonds (not hot, let them cool) in an airtight container for 4 - 5 days or in the refrigerator for about 15 days. Honey roasted almonds can be either sweet or spicy.

Calories in Roasted Almonds

According to the USDA National Nutrient Database,
  • 100 g salted almonds, heated in oven, dry, contain about 595 calories.
  • 1 cup almonds may weigh 138 g. These, when roasted dry with salt have about 821 calories.
  • 1 oz. almonds, (22 almonds or 28.35 g. almonds) when roasted dry, with salt, contain 169 calories.
  • 1 oz. of honey roasted almonds come with 168 calories.
  • 100 g of honey roasted almonds contain 594 calories.
  • 1 oz. (about 22) almonds, when roasted with oil and salt, contain 172 calories.
  • 100 g almonds, roasted after applying oil and salt, contain 607 calories.
The calorie content of salted and unsalted roasted almonds is almost the same. The above information also shows that the calories in oil roasted almonds are slightly higher than the calories in dry roasted almonds. In general, roasted almonds are loaded with calories, and as a snack, you should eat only a few almonds at a time.
Excessive consumption of roasted almonds can lead to weight gain and related health problems. Almonds, when consumed in moderation, can improve your overall health in several ways. Take a look at the health benefits of almonds.

Health Benefits of Almonds

About 35 g dry roasted almonds contain 206 calories. Almonds are low in saturated fat and they do not contain cholesterol. They provide carbohydrates, proteins, fiber and good fats. They are packed with various vitamins, especially B vitamins and vitamin E, which offer you smooth and glowing skin. 
They are rich in folate, which helps prevent birth defects in infants when consumed by pregnant women. Roasted almonds are loaded with calcium, phosphorus, potassium and magnesium, which make your bones and teeth strong.
Various vitamins, minerals and antioxidants in almonds, help strengthen your immune system. They prevent you from various diseases. Almonds help lower bad cholesterol (LDL cholesterol), and thus help reduce the risk of heart diseases.
They also protect you from diabetes by controlling the blood glucose levels after meals. Almonds eaten with the skin help improve the health of your heart. Flavonoids from the almond skin exhibit exclusive properties which help improve your heart and overall health.
Roasted almonds are healthy and they can improve your health in several ways, when consumed in moderation. Growing children, young adults, pregnant and breastfeeding women, the elderly, all should consume roasted almonds in moderation, regularly.