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Calories in Hoisin Sauce

Mukulika Mukherjee
Do you find the sweet and sour taste of hoisin sauce simply irresistible? While there are many who feel the same, knowing a little about the nutritive value of hoisin sauce, can definitely help. The purpose of this story is to throw light on the calories in hoisin sauce and also talk about its nutritional value.

Hoisin Sauce

Hoisin sauce is a sauce used in Asian, or to be more specific, Oriental or Chinese cuisine. It has a flavor that is a beautiful blend of sweet and sour taste. There are many recipes for preparing this sauce, but the ingredients remain the same.
It is a fine blend of a variety of spices, along with soybeans, garlic, white vinegar, chillies and some amount of sugar. Its purpose is to add a special flavor to noodles, spring rolls and stir-fry dishes.
Sometimes referred to as the Peking sauce, for its use in the popular dish Peking Duck, hoisin sauce is dark reddish-brown in color. Hoisin sauce has an overwhelming flavor that some people, especially first timers, may not find appealing. If that is the case, then adding a little amount of water to dilute the sauce can help reduce the pungent flavor.

How Many Calories are in Hoisin Sauce

Now that we know how hoisin sauce can add that exotic flavor to the special dishes you make, it would be a good idea to look into the calories it contains, isn't it? After all, who wouldn't want to keep a tab on one's calorie intake? The table given below enlists the calories in hoisin sauce, according to different standard serving sizes.
Calories in Hoisin Sauce
Serving Size Calories
1 tbsp (17 g) 40
1 oz 60
100 g 250

 Contribution to Calories in Hoisin Sauce
Carbohydrates 80%
Fats 14%
Proteins 6%

Hoisin Sauce: Nutritional Information

So, hoisin sauce has quite a few calories! But where do these calories come from? To find that out, we shall have a quick look at the nutritional content in a single tablespoon of hoisin sauce. Note that the percentage of daily value given against each of the nutrients, is determined by assuming that your daily intake is 2000 calories.
Nutrient Quantity (in grams) % of Daily Value
Carbohydrates 7.08 3%
Protein 0.53 1%
Dietary Fiber 0.4 2%
Fats 0.54 1%

Did you know?

Hoisin sauce contains vitamins B1, B2, B3, vitamin C and vitamin A. Also, there are a few minerals in hoisin sauce.
Mineral Quantity (in milligrams)
Sodium 258
Calcium 5
Iron 0.16
Magnesium 4
Phosphorous 6
Potassium 19
Copper 0.019
No matter what we eat, it is always advisable to check our daily intake of calories. This can help us in staying fit and healthy. So, the next time you plan to enjoy that bowl of yummy noodles with hoisin sauce, make sure you use moderate quantities of the sauce to save yourself from consuming empty calories.