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Calories in Hard Candies

Urvashi Pokharna
Halloween or Christmas, festivities are never complete without candies. Hard candies were initially marketed as a food to combat fatigue. But, wouldn't you want to know if the calories in hard candies are making peace with your healthy diet plan, or are they secretly defeating your diet goals?
Think about candies and the image that pops into your mind is a tempting bowl full of colorful candies in different shapes and sizes! As kids, we all have craved for candies and some of us still do. About 65% of the annual production of candies is consumed by ADULT Americans! There are approximately only 24 calories in a piece of hard candy. An average piece of hard candy weighs 6 grams. These calories are derived completely from carbohydrates.
It contains 5.7 grams of carbohydrates of which 3.8 grams are drawn from sugar. The fat as well as the protein content in a hard candy is absolutely nil. However, since the body converts excess sugar into fat, they are not absolutely fat free. If you overdo on the servings, you are most likely to gain weight. This holds true for all processed foods that are fat free but contain sugar.

Types of Hard Candies

Butterscotch Candy

A hard butterscotch candy contains 4.8 grams sugar derived out of 5.4 grams of carbohydrates at 23 calories. Its sugar and sodium content is higher than an average candy and so it is a less healthier option for your sweet tooth. A normal hard candy contains 2 mg sodium while a butterscotch candy contains 23 mg of sodium.

Cinnamon Candy

These sweet and spicy candies are rich in calories. A piece of cinnamon candy contains about 30 calories, but greatly varies depending on the brand. Since it is high on glycemic index, it significantly raises the blood sugar levels.
Do not expect to reap the benefits of cinnamon by consuming these candies. As an alternative, you can opt for a cinnamon with mint hard candy that is low on calories.

Mint Candy

They come in two mint flavors - spearmint and peppermint. One piece normally contains 20 calories, 5 mg carbohydrates and 3 mg sodium. It is definitely a better choice than a butterscotch hard candy and has the benefit of being a mouth freshener too.

Sugar-Free Candy

Sugar-free candies use sorbitol to provide a sweet flavor to the candy and contain as much as 60% fewer calories as compared to sugar. So, they do not raise the sugar levels in your blood.
A single sugar-free hard candy may contain somewhere around 8 to 12 calories and less than 3 grams of carbohydrates, making them a healthy choice for your sweet tooth. Sugar-free candies generally contain maltitol and xylitol, which aid in dealing with gas.

Burning the Calories

The recommended daily intake of added sugars is 100 grams and 150 grams for females and males, respectively. But you can burn off the calories consumed in a hard candy.
You can do it by opting for one of the following exercises:
  • Go for a brisk walk for 4 minutes.
  • Trim the lawn grass for 3 minutes.
  • Take a swim for 2 minutes.
  • Jump on to your cycle and ride for 3 minutes.
The amount of calories in hard or boiled candies makes them a better substitute to chocolate and other sweet indulgences. In fact, if you are a dieter and are looking for dessert alternatives, buy candies from a store instead of making them yourself at home. They do not contain real butter.
Life Savers is a great brand, if you are keen on sticking to your diet plan while giving in to your sweet cravings. They are significantly low on calories as compared to other brands. Life Savers is a favored candy brand among diabetic patients. Approximately 25 candies of this brand make up 1% of the total daily recommended calorie intake for an adult.
The calories in hard candies and those in an energy bar do not have much of a difference. In fact, a glass of juice contains more carbohydrates and sugar. Although, hard or boiled candies lack any other nutrient content except carbohydrates, they only contribute 6% added sugar to an American's diet.
The calories are enough for an instant boost in energy levels. However, remember to not overeat them! These candies are also known to cause bloating and gas from unused carbohydrates in the body. And as mother says it, candies cause tooth decay! As a last resort, you could just make some of your own sugar-free variations.