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Lesser-known Nutrition Facts About Buckwheat

Leena Palande
Buckwheat helps improve the health of the digestive and cardiovascular systems. It offers you a lot of energy. Here we explain the nutritional value of buckwheat. Read on, to know about the calories, vitamins and minerals in buckwheat...
Despite the name, buckwheat is not a type of wheat. Though it is used like a grain, it is neither a cereal nor grass, it is actually a fruit seed. It is known as pseudocereal. It has a unique triangular shape.
Buckwheat plants grow fast and produce seeds in about six weeks. The seeds are rich in starch, proteins, minerals like calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, and selenium, antioxidants and some aromatic compounds like salicylaldehyde, phenylacetaldehyde, etc. In the U.S., it was a common crop in the 18th and 19th centuries.

Buckwheat Nutrition Data

1 cup or approximately 165 g of dry, roasted buckwheat groats contain:
• Total calories: 567 kcal
• Calories from carbs: 465 kcal
• Calories from fat: 37.2 kcal
• Calories from protein: 64.8 kcal
• Carbohydrates: 123 g
• Protein: 19.2 g
• Dietary Fiber: 16.9 g
• Total Fat: 4.4 g
• Saturated Fat: 1 g
• Monounsaturated Fat: 1.4 g
• Polyunsaturated Fat: 1.4 g
• Omega 3 Fatty Acids: 102 mg
• Omega 6 Fatty Acids: 1256 mg
• Calcium: 27.9 mg
• Phosphorus: 523 mg
• Potassium: 525 mg
• Sodium: 18 mg
• Zinc: 4 mg
• Copper: 1 mg
• Iron: 4.1 mg
• Magnesium: 362 mg
• Manganese: 2.7 g
• Selenium: 13.8 mcg
• Cholesterol: 0
• Water: 13.8 g
• Ash: 3.6 g
• Thiamin: 0.4 mg
• Riboflavin: 0.4 mg
• Niacin: 8.4 mg
• Vitamin B6: 0.6 mg
• Folate: 68.9 mcg
• Pantothenic Acid: 2.0 mg
• Choline: 88.9 mg
• Betaine: 4.3 mg


The figures mentioned clearly indicate that:
  • Buckwheat is low in saturated fat and it does not contain cholesterol.
  • Sodium is present in low quantity which makes this food safe.
  • It is packed with dietary fiber, magnesium, manganese, selenium, folate, choline, etc.
  • Moreover, it is rich in antioxidants like rutin and tannins.
  • The two flavonoids rutin and quercetin and the high quality protein that contains all eight essential amino acids including lysine are responsible for significant health promoting actions of buckwheat.
  • Though buckwheat is gluten-free and can be eaten with gluten allergies; for some sensitive people, it can be a potentially fatal allergen by itself.


  • Sprouted raw buckwheat is perfect for breakfast, on salads, in sandwiches; or you can mix it in delicious dips.
  • The cereal that contains these seeds is good for breakfast
  • These days, buckwheat is used to produce gluten-free beer.
  • The tea made from dried leaves of the plant is used for medicinal purpose.
  • The seeds (grains) help strengthen capillary walls and hence they are added to certain medicines.
The nutritional value of raw buckwheat is different from that of cooked one; because some calories and nutrients are lost during cooking. But still, cooked buckwheat is quite healthy.

Health Benefits

  • Buckwheat contains the perfect combination of nutrients required for a healthy cardiovascular system.
  • The plant lignans present in it protect us against heart diseases.
  • Postmenopausal women may reap significant cardiovascular benefits from it.
  • It helps control blood sugar levels and thus lowers the risk of diabetes.
  • It helps prevent gallstones.
  • It protects against childhood asthma.
  • It lowers your risk of heart failure and obesity.
  • The health promoting potential of buckwheat is higher than that of vegetables and fruits.
  • It contains ample dietary fiber that protects women from breast cancer.
  • The fiber helps improve your digestive health and it helps prevent blood sugar fluctuations.
  • It helps lower high cholesterol levels and high blood pressure.
Buckwheat noodles increase the nutritional value of Japanese cuisines. Buckwheat groats are common in western Asia and eastern Europe while buckwheat pasta is gaining popularity all over the world.
People who are allergic to wheat may enjoy buckwheat pancakes. Buckwheat can be used as rice substitute. Porridge made from these seeds is a favorite dish for many.
It seems that our ancestors knew about the nutrition facts of buckwheat as it was a part of their diet. It is necessary to conduct studies and find out the nutritional facts of traditional food. After reading all the information given here, you will for sure buy a buckwheat pack whenever you do grocery shopping. Healthy food in diet ensures a healthy life.