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Brown Rice Vs. Oatmeal

Saptakee Sengupta
Brown rice and oatmeal are whole grain products, rich in complex carbohydrates and unsaturated fatty acids. We have compared these two types of foods and sorted out some useful information for you. Read on.
Brown rice and oatmeal are popular throughout the world owing to their health benefits and culinary use. The rice grains have a light brown color as they are not processed. The nutrients are retained and it is a healthy alternative for white rice.
Oatmeal is also a whole grain product and is an excellent source of energy. It is laden with fibers and complex carbohydrates which is completely safe for regular consumption. Brown rice and oatmeal when consumed in adequate proportion suffice the nutrient requirement of your body to a large extent.
It's also a great meal idea for those being on a weight loss diet, and for diabetics and heart patients. This article, 'brown rice vs oatmeal', shall provide you the information in detail.

Brown Rice Vs. Oatmeal Comparison


The total calorie count comes from proteins, carbohydrates, fats and sugars, taken as a whole. From the table, you can figure out that calories in brown rice is a little higher than oatmeal. Since both are sources of complex carbohydrates, the percentage of protein is relatively less than carbohydrates.
However, oatmeal contains greater amount of protein than brown rice. It also doesn't cause weight gain, but brown rice when taken in large portions everyday will definitely make you fat. Worth to note, both have a very low percentage of saturated fatty acids and the lipid profile primarily comprises unsaturated fatty acids.
You can study the table and analyze the nutrient composition.
Total Calories (kJ)
Brown Rice - (100 g)
Protein - 8.7
Lipid - 8.7
Fiber - 6.5
Sugar - 0.92
Carbs - 85.65
Total - 1692

Total Calories (kJ)
Oatmeal - (100 g)
rotein - 13.07
Lipid - 8.0
Fiber - 9.0
Sugar - 3.84
Carbs - 69.65
Total - 1670

General Information

In the next table, we have provided you some general information on brown rice and oatmeal. You can have a cup of cooked brown rice at lunch or at dinner. Prefer having oatmeal during breakfast as it serves a wonderful treat when blended with fruits.
The mineral, vitamin and amino acid makeup of both the foods are almost same, although the composition varies meagerly. The nutrient load of brown rice and oatmeal is no doubt high and the constituents aid in proper functioning of our body.

Brown Rice

  • Rice grains have a brownish color after the hulls are removed. It's a whole grain nutritious product. Brown rice is also available in a boiled and powdered form. Dry powders are usually meant for babies and the recipes are usually prepared with milk.
  • The carbohydrate content of brown rice is more. You should consume brown rice much more carefully than oats, even though it contains complex carbohydrates.
  • People having high blood glucose level should have brown rice moderately since it is free from simple carbs. The quantity is kept moderate because the fiber content is not so high to reduce bad cholesterol as effectively as oatmeal.
  • Apart from having it in plain boiled form, you can also prepare versatile recipes of brown rice. You can cook it with chicken, pecan, vegetables, mushrooms, etc. If your health is perfectly fine, then enjoy the dishes with absolute delight.


  • Oatmeal (also a whole grain product) is ground and rolled before packaging. It's also sold as powder and steel cut varieties. You can keep a packet of rolled oats at home and have it whenever hungry. The nutrition is so high because the grains are not refined completely.
  • Oats cause a sustained rise in your carbohydrate level and it's one of the healthiest options for breakfast. This is because the carbohydrate contained in them is much less than brown rice.
  • Oatmeal is healthy for everyone, including people having cardiac problems, high blood pressure and cholesterol. Oatmeal being a rich source of soluble fibers, is capable of alleviating cholesterol and blood glucose levels.
  • People usually prefer having oatmeal for breakfast. You can boil the oats in milk or have the instant products. Combine it with apples, bananas, strawberries, dry fruits, etc. Oat biscuits is another great option for snacks. The rolled oats are easy to chew and they also come in many flavors.
I hope the comparative guide to brown rice vs oatmeal has proven useful to you. I mention once again that oatmeal is safe for all but it's always a good idea to consult a nutritionist before incorporating brown rice regularly in your diet schedule.