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Brown Rice Diet

Puja Lalwani
A meal plan that consists of brown rice is extremely beneficial for various reasons, the most important one being weight loss. Presented here is the brown rice diet, that will help you reap all its benefits.
The process by which brown rice is made, involves the removal of only the outermost layer or the hull of the rice grain. This means, white rice is actually brown rice, only with all the outer layers removed. However, it is these outer layers, that make it so nutritious.
Thus, rice with all its layers, except the outermost, is known as brown rice. The benefits of brown rice vs white rice are several. The former is highly nutritious and a rich source of fiber, which makes it a part of several diet plans.
Furthermore, this fiber helps the prevention of heart disease, controls diabetes, and enables healthy bowel movements. White rice has none of these benefits. Let's take a look at how adhering to the brown rice diet can help you.

Diet Plan

This plan for weight loss is mainly a detox diet with brown rice as a core ingredient. In this diet, brown rice is to be consumed along with a host of other fruits and vegetables. It is meant to be the only source of starch, and other foods such as wheat, dairy alcohol, caffeine, sugar (including honey), peanuts, and sodium, are to be completely avoided.
The diet is to be followed for 7 days, to perform a total body cleanse, and for weight loss. Even though it is a detox diet, it provides all the necessary nutrition required by the body, so you don't feel weak or lightheaded while following this diet. Also, you are allowed to eat whenever you feel like, but only from the foods that are allowed.
The foods that can be consumed in this plan include:
  • Wheat-free Bread
  • Oats
  • Chicken, Turkey and Fish (lean)
  • Tofu
  • Whole fresh vegetables (No corn or mushrooms) - Eaten raw, steamed or oven-baked
  • Whole fruits (Dried fruits, bananas and grapes are not permitted)
  • Humus
  • Brown rice pasta
  • Rice milk
  • Brown rice
  • Nuts and seeds (Mainly almond and cashew, no peanuts)
  • Small amounts of extra virgin olive oil or Flaxseed oil
  • Fresh juices
  • Decaffeinated herbal tea, lemon tea with ginger
  • Herbs and spices - garlic, parsley, cilantro, chili peppers, ginger and onions
Meal: Breakfast

  • Warm water, 1 glass
  • Lemon juice in warm water, ½ lemon to 1 glass
  • After 30 minutes Raw fruit, 1 Cup
  • After 30 minutes Whole grain brown rice, 1 cup, steamed
Meal: Lunch

  • Green leafy vegetables, 1 cup, steamed
  • Raw vegetables, 1 cup (greens, tomatoes, peppers, etc.)
  • Cooked beans/Tofu, 4 oz. (Use small amount Humus for dressing)
Meal: Dinner

  • Raw vegetable salad
  • Cooked vegetables, 1 cup
  • Cooked brown rice, 1 cup
  • Herbal tea, 1 cup
Between meals you can snack on nuts and seeds, and raw vegetable sticks, if you feel hungry. Moreover, it has been said that brown rice can be consumed in unlimited amounts, as it has low amounts of fat, and high amounts of fiber.
Just remember to consume lots of water while following this diet, as brown rice is rich in fiber and absorbs a lot of water. This can leave you dehydrated. Though you can eat unlimited amounts of the above mentioned foods, try to eat only until you feel about 80% full.
This diet pattern can be altered to suit your taste. Just remember not to use salt or sugar in any of your meals. If you find it difficult, use an extremely small amount of salt. Try to avoid it, as a detox diet is never completely effective with the presence of salt.


  • Many people shy away from detox diets because of the weakness they experience while on the diet. This is precisely because the body is being kept away from the foods we are used to.
This however, leaves us feeling unsatisfied even after a healthy meal. Brown rice, on the other hand, keeps you feeling full, and prevents you from heading for unhealthy snacks.
  • Since it is rich in fiber, not only does it keep you full, it enables healthy bowel movements. With healthy bowel movements comes effective removal of toxins from the colon and the intestines. This means it can eliminate the possibility of developing colon cancer and other related diseases.
  • It also help you to effectively lose weight, as you consume fewer calories in a day. So you get a double benefit when you follow this plan.
  • It also keeps you away from the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.
  • You will notice, that upon following this diet, you feel mentally alert and highly energetic, as it enhances your metabolic rate.
So, every time you feel like having rice, opt for brown rice instead.
You will slowly develop a taste for it, and even when you are not following the above mentioned brown rice diet, you can make it a part of your meals regularly, and take advantage of its richness in a variety of vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients. Healthy weight loss is definitely guaranteed.
Disclaimer: This story is for informative purposes only and does not in any way attempt to replace the advice offered by an expert on the subject.