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Blueberry Leaf Tea

Blueberries are well-known for their health benefits. Herbal tea made with the leaves of blueberry is also believed to have various benefits. Read on...
Sonia Nair
Apart from their sweet, tart flavor, blueberries have been valued for their high nutritional value and antioxidant power. They are said to be one among those fruits that contain high antioxidant levels. Even the leaves of this plant are found to offer certain health benefits.
It has been suggested that blueberry leaves contain a chemical called proanthocyanidin, which may be beneficial for curbing the spread of hepatitis C. So, blueberry leaves are consumed in the form of herbal tea.

How to Make Blueberry Leaf Tea

Most of us are familiar with the nutritional as well as health benefits of blueberries. However, very few know about the benefits offered by the leaves of blueberry plants. It is said that these leaves contain antioxidants in a much more potent form, as compared to that in the fruits. This herbal tea is prepared using dried blueberry leaves. Nowadays, blueberry leaf tea bags are also available in health stores.

Use Tea Bags

If you are using tea bags, then the best method is to follow the infusion method. All you have to do is to place a tea bag in a cup. Pour around six ounces of boiling water into it. Let the tea steep for at least three to four minutes, before you remove the tea bag.
If you want a sweetener for this herbal tea, use honey. You may use this tea in both cold and hot versions.

Use Dried Leaves

Take a tablespoon of dried blueberry leaves in a cup. Add boiling water into the cup and let the tea steep for five to ten minutes. Now strain the tea and serve. If you need a sweetener for this herbal tea, honey can be used. Some people like to have blueberry leaf tea with milk or cream.
Even flavored syrups are sometimes used, so as to hide the flavor of leaves. It is said that for best results, you have to consume this tea for at least two to three times a day. But, herbal tea dosage is something that is best decided by a qualified herbalist.
If you have blueberry plants at home, you may collect fresh leaves and dry them for making tea. Collect leaves from the blueberry plant and spread them on a flat surface that is free of humidity and direct sunlight. The leaves will take around one to two weeks to dry completely.
Once they are dry and crisp, store the leaves in an air tight container. You may also use the oven to dry these leaves. This will be more convenient for those who lack time. This method may also prove useful, if the weather condition is not good for drying leaves.
In that case, harvest the leaves and spread them on a baking sheet, in a single layer. Bake them for at least 25 to 30 minutes, in the oven that is preheated to 400°F. Once done, allow the leaves to cool, before storing. You may either store the dried leaves as such or in ground form.

Blueberry Leaf Tea Benefits

This herbal tea is widely used by diabetics, as it is found to be beneficial for lowering blood sugar levels. It is also said to be useful in preventing urinary tract infections. Blueberry leaf tea is believed to boost brain functions and so, can be beneficial for elderly people. It is used for treating certain liver diseases, like hepatitis C.
This herbal tea is also believed to be good for improving the eyesight. With high levels of antioxidants, this herbal tea may also prove useful in boosting the immune system. While in small amounts, this tea is used for treating diarrhea. However, it may act as a laxative, if consumed in excess.
Though, blueberry leaf tea is not known to cause any significant side effects, it is not advisable for pregnant and nursing women to use this tea. It is always better to use this tea as per the instructions of a herbalist. You may also seek the opinion of your doctor, regarding the use of this herbal tea.