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Black Elderberry

Bhakti Satalkar
Mother nature has provided us with a number of fruits and vegetables with medicinal properties. One among them is black elderberry. There are many benefits of which we will get to know in the following paragraphs.
The scientific name of black elderberry is Sambucus nigra. The other names with which it is known include European Elder, European Elderberry, European Black Elderberry, etc.
It grows in wet as well as dry fertile soil. It flourishes well in sunny areas. The black elderberry bush grows up to 4 to 6 meters tall. When the bush or small tree is fully grown, the color of the bark is coarse gray.
The color of the elderberry fruit is dark purple to black purple. The berries are 3 to 5 mm in diameter. It is known for its medicinal properties and it has been in use since the ancient Roman times. It is also said to be rich in antioxidants and flavonoids.

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Black Elderberry Benefits

Before we read on elderberry benefits, it is important to note that the berries should be harvested only when they are ripe. The raw berries are known to be a little poisonous. At the same time, it is important to stay away from the stem of this plant, as it contains cyanide which is very harmful. Coming back to the benefits, the syrup or juice of this elderberry is known for its medicinal properties. It has been used to treat common cold, influenza, etc., in Europe for a very long period of time.

Digestive Health

People suffering from digestive problems are said to benefit from regular consumption of black elderberry. It is best to consume the fruit, as opposed to the fruit juice. The fiber from the fruit will also act as a laxative, which will help in the functioning of the digestive tract.

Respiratory Illnesses

One can reap the benefits of syrup made from black elderberry for treating upper respiratory infections. It can also be used for treating bronchitis, cold, cough, flu, etc. It helps in relieving respiratory congestion. One can use the syrup recipe to make expectorant for treating dry cough. It can also be used for treating sore throat. One can either opt to have the cold version or the hot version depending on the level of comfort.


One of the elderberry juice benefits is the antioxidant content in it. These antioxidants help in combating the damage caused by free radicals in the body.

Strengthening Immune System

The flavonoids in black elderberry help in strengthening the immune system. Due to which the body is able to combat viral, bacterial as well as fungal infections. The antioxidant flavonoids in elderberry ensure that the free radicals do not enter the healthy cells.

Skin Ailments

A number of skin ailments can be treated with elderberry. Acne ridden skin is said to especially benefit from elderberry. Oil made from it can also be used in making skin creams, salves, etc. It can also be applied on the skin injuries. The injuries will heal faster.


There are some researches, which point the usefulness of black elderberry in treating herpes simplex virus, West Nile virus, etc. However, further research are necessary in the field to ascertain this claim.
It is being said that black elderberry is useful for treating pandemics, like swine flu. However, these pandemics are relatively new and studies are not conclusive. Therefore, it cannot be said with guarantee that it will be able to treat the pandemic conditions. Since, influenza is often among the symptoms, it may be of help.
Only extensive studies will be able to prove this point. There are side effects of this berry as well. Therefore, before taking it, speak to your health care professional about the same. There are chances that it may react with the medicines you currently are on. Therefore, it is best not to self treat yourself with this herb.